How My Husband Miraculously Survived After A Nearly Fatal Complication & Surgery

Three months back, on a Sunday morning, my husband had a serious stomach upset. I taught it was an ulcer pain, so I gave him Mist Mag and other ulcer medications but the pains grew worse. On getting to the hospital, I was told my husband had intestinal perforation and that he had to undergo a surgery in no time. By this time, his tummy had grown very big and hard, he was crying and looked pale. I wasn’t myself either. I was told to sign for the surgery as they prepared him for the theatre. We held hands and prayed. My husband is a Christian but wasn’t a dedicated one then.
The surgeon explained why the surgery had to be done and that it’s a major surgery. He told me it’s a 50/50 surgery, that my husband’s life isn’t in his hands.
As I felt helpless about the situation, I entered an empty ward, knelt down in tears and cried out to God. When I heard the doctors calling my husband’s name, I ran out to the entrance of the theatre, and to God be the glory, my husband answered at last.
I kept on praying and thanking God after the surgery, believing Him for a perfect healing as all the doctors and nurses kept looking at him as if he was not going to make it, but I kept holding on, prophesying life to his body.
I went through a lot. My husband was always unconsciously struggling to remove all the drips and attachments on him, plus the oxygen – it was as if he was insane. I thought I was alone in that room, I thought I was the only one watching him closely.
After 14 days of no sleep, my husband woke up, called my name for the first time and said God will reward me, that I have tried. With tears in my eyes, I told him the only reward I want is for him to stay alive and father our two boys, aged 6 and 2 years. He looked at me and said, ‘Hnmmmm, I could have crossed the river, but someone has been holding me back, can you see him?’ He was pointing to the edge of his bed, just by the side of his head. I looked and saw no one. He was angry I didn’t see him and said the person is wearing a white bright cloth, that His cloth is too shiny and he couldn’t look at that direction.
Immediately, I went on my knees and started praising God, the Greatest One, the one with the most shiny garment, the King of kings who saved my husband from untimely death.
We spent 40 days in the hospital but our case ended with praise. All the nurses and doctors started calling us testimony. My husband couldn’t remember how he struggled with the drips and attachments or even all he said.
It’s over 3 months now, and when we went for doctor’s appointment, there was no complication. I give God all the glory.
God is always with us in the midst of trouble. If we trust in Him, he will not forsake us. God is real, my sisters. Build a relationship with him.
Thank you Lord Jesus for the life of this man. May your name alone be praised.
Thank God it all ended in praise, may His name be praised forever.
Oh what a great testimony, what a wonderful God we serve.
Wow what a testimony. Thank God for his life
Wow what a testimony. Thank God for his life.
Praise the name of the Lord…. Hallelujah
Faithful father encouraged
To God be the glory.He is the Almighty God, Maker of heaven and earth. May His name be glorified. May we never forget that He loves us and is always with us.
I fear this awesome wonderful God.. Be praised forever.. You alone is the doer.
God alone deserves all the praise. May the presence of the Lord continue to envelope your family ijn