Dear MIMsters: Just Two Years Married But I’m Already Tired Of My Marriage

I need your kind advice.
I’ve been married for 2 years but I must confess I’m tired already.
When we were dating, hubby was all I needed in a man. He was caring, loving, etc but now, the reverse is the case. Recently, he shocked me. I asked for help and he told me that he’s the one handling everything in the house, while I’m searching for work everywhere.
We don’t have kids yet, he’s not paying school fees or buying baby food or diapers every week, it’s just the two of us. I manage with the little he gives me monthly and I’m not even the extravagant type, yet, he’s complaining. By God’s Grace, I do what a godly wife should do.
I don’t keep him him hungry at all, keep the house clean, give him sex regularly but he still compares me to other women in the neighborhood. Sometimes I think I’m too good for him,or is it that I’m just too caring? Those of you who have been married for a long time, is this how your marriage changed after some years?What should I do?
Lastly, I so much desire to be pregnant and carry my own children, but it’s not been forth coming. We’ve done some tests and the doctor said while hubby is fine, I am having issues of annovulation and gave us various options of treatment. The main problem is hubby seems less concerned, for each time I bring up this issue peacefully, he turns it into a quarrel. I don’t know if he doesn’t want kids.
Some say it’s a spiritual problem. Whatever it is, I’m ready to tackle it with the last drop of my blood with or without him because we aren’t growing any younger. I want to be pregnant and carry my own babies, I want to be the woman God created me to be. Please I need advice seriously because I’m in pains right now.
So sorry my dear I feel he is sad bcos u are not pregnant yet.
Am in short of words
Hmmmmmmmmmm. Maybe he is frustrated about something. Perhaps at his job or because you are yet to be pregnant. I think you should pray to God and don’t be tired yet. You can work this out. Dialogue with him, ask him what his frustrations with you are and what you can do to remedy it. I wish you all the best in your marriage.
Just get something doing to support him financially(at least to take care of yourself) no matter how small. When you are busy, you’ll be less anxious about pregnancy that you won’t even know when it happens.
My dear sister, it’s very typical of some men, I LL just advise you get busy, and give him a lil space, he LL adjust…. Sorry dear
I agree with Eka Ekwere,she said it all
I guess there is allot he is going on within him that he is not telling you!
I think he I’d depressed
somethn is wrong find out mYb its cos u havent concieved..
Nothing is wrong with him, he is trying to tell your that he can’t foot all the bill any longer, so get a job and get busy, men are like that, for the pregnancy God time is the best, take your medication and cast your burden unto God
Conception hardly comes where there’s no love and unity, you guys need to relax to make it happen.
Get busy