Dear MIMster: I Told My Husband Off For Doing This…Do You Think I Overreacted?

I’ve been married for 2 years. My husband has been everything I want but his attitude towards his female friends are beginning to annoy me.
He said he’s over his exes but still calls them and sends them messages on their birthdays using words like, ‘pretty’, ‘baby’. When I reprimand him, he tells me it means nothing to him. I asked him how he’ll feel if I do the same, he says he can because he’s a man, but I’m not allowed.
I used to have one male friend that I chat with; he wasn’t comfortable with it even though the guy addresses me by my name or as Madam and never says anything that portrayed he had any interest in me. I stopped chatting with this guy and my other male friends so I can be happy with my husband but why can’t he do same for me?
I trust him enough to believe he’s not slept with another woman since we got married but how do I make him know he really hurts me when he chats with these girls. He even saved their pictures. I rebuked him and he deleted them but goes back to save them when he have quarels.
I saw a message with one of his exes on Facebook, telling her our one-year-old child caught us making love so he had to “slow down his pace ” but this never happened. It is not true. Was he trying to remind her of what their sex used to be?
He’s been keeping malice with me since I saw another message to another ex, saying: “baby how far”? I When he came back home, he addressed me with the same phrase, then I told him to stop calling me the names he calls his exes and to start calling me by my first name. I am no longer cool with ‘baby’ or any pet name since he uses it on exes and other random girls.
Do you think I overreacted?
Nope you did not overreact. He is married and should set boundaries.
Ur husband should grow up ABEG… What’s the rubbish for?
Noooooo but my dear since u trusted him alot stop monitoring him to avoid problem
You are not wrong. I am of the opinion that you just ignore him, he is obviously disrespecting you with ease. Ignore him he will realize his wrong later. That’s the secret to sanity and peace in a marriage, dont go through his phone anymore…
You did not overreact; your hubby doesn’t want to grow up, and be married to you alone, just ignore him and stop reading his messages
I hate to see baby husbands
You are married to a child
hmmnnn feedit bottle husbands