”Dear woman, never call your husband or children what you don’t want them to be/become.” Lami Philips Advises

When it comes to dishing out powerful advice and words of encouragement to women and mums, popular Nigerian singer and super mum of two, Lami Phillips-Gbadamosi, never comes last.
The mum-of-two posted an inspirational quote by Hollywood actor, Denzel Washington on her page and with words of advice to all women.
READ ALSO: ‘Dear woman, you are allowed to have it all’ Read Lami Philips’ Inspirational Message To All Women
”Can I go there? Can I? Dear woman.. (not girl) you have the authority and power to “make your home”. See, the fact that God gave us the POWER TO BIRTH… is unique to us.
IT MEANS WE CAN BRING LIFE INTO THE WORLD. If you can bring life you can speak life. Let me tell you; GOD NEVER MAKES MISTAKES. That partner he has purposed for you (not the goof you purposed for yourself o) he has also given you power for. You look at the cooked/finished product in some men you admire today, you don’t know how their wives have sown prophecy into their lives.
Never ever call your husband (even your children) what you don’t want them to be/become. Words carry so much power especially from wives & mothers. Dear woman; they become what we say/believe. Let your presence be an extension of Gods presence. Let him call you “home”.
A nagging wife is like a dripping tap. Bible says “better to live in the corner of a roof than share space with a contentious woman”. Chai! Make your home dear woman.
You have more power than you know. Repent of whatever you have sown through your words that wasn’t in accordance with Gods will for your loved ones. Ask God to take control of your mouth. Speak life.. you are a vessel of love. #LamiTalks ©™.”
Lami, who celebrated her 19 years friendship anniversary with her husband, Labo, in July, 2016, is a mother of two lovely girls, Bestie and Sunshine.
Photo credit: Instagram
Oh nice one
Yes,I agree with you..
She’s very correct
Thanks Lami….we should learn to remain calm when we are angry.