Dear Mimsters: Should I believe my Pastor’s prophecy on whom to marry?
by MIS Editor
December 10, 2016

My pastor prophesied to me in March that I will meet a man before June who will become my husband and would change my story and that of my family. Tell me if I should believe my pastor’s prophecy after reading my story.
I eventually met a man before June and we started dating. Along the line, I found out that this guy is very stingy, even though he works as a senior officer in an oil company. And he doesn’t care about me, yet he uses marriages to confuse me every now and then.
We started having protected and would tell me to go and drink water and salt to kill his sperm. I told him I hate crude methods and would rather go for a pill but he refuses to buy because he’s stingy. There’s nothing I do that pleases this man. When making love, we don’t connect. When I look in his eyes, all I see is darkness.
He doesn’t phone me, as he can stay go for months without calling and when I call him, he won’t pick, but when he needs sex, he calls and I heed to his call. He’s currently building a house and claims that’s the reason he’s not taking care of me.
The only reason I haven’t left this guy is because of the prophesy I received from my pastor. I’ve been praying that God will turn his heart and attitude around in my favour, besides, I haven’t met another man yet and I have no other. I’m 28 years and about to go for NYSC. I’m tired of his attitude and
stinginess even though he’s rich.
My pastor maintained he’s the one until I told him about this guy’s true character. He blamed me for sleeping with the guy and told me to move on and forget about him. Now, my pastor has given me another prophesy. Should I reject it?
Meanwhile, the stingy man promised to come and see my people in October but failed to do so. I’m really tired of putting up my best character and doing everything else just to win his heart.
Please leave that man alone, he just using you to satisfy his sexual urge. How can you let a man who can’t buy you pills to keep sleeping with you without protection? Girl where are your brains? What kind of prophecy says a rich man will marry you and elevate you and your family? I personally do not believe in all prophecies because they are just fake mtschew. You should seek the face of God yourself and stop believing everything a so called pastor says. This is the problem with we Africans, we believe all these so called men of God so much so we don’t care to hear from God himself when he speaks or shows us a sign.
I’m sure your pastor did not say when you meet the man start having sex with him. He refuses to use protection and you can’t buy yourself common contraceptive pills. How about HIV and other STDs? Tomorrow you’ll get pregnant and he’ll be compelled to marry you and then you’ll come asking whether or not it’s ok to divorce him because you are tired of the marriage.
My dear you’ve not met another man because no one climbs a ladder holding 2 things in both hands. You’ve closed your mind on this man, thereby unconsciously sending away potential suitors. Please keep an open heart. Drop desperation and pray for God’s will to be done. Don’t see marriage as your meal ticket. Be financially independent so that your man will respect you. All the best
Well said Eka
if you marry that man you will pay the price not your pastor….
well said Eka
hmmm…move on u just his sex tool
Abeg forget these pastors oh.
This is the reign of the Holyspirit, not pastors.Respect Men of God but it is pertinent to discern every spirit. Stop trusting in your pastors vision but trust in already have the Holyspirit on earth with you.Resist sin and talk to him.he will speak to you directly. Sleeping with any man at all is firstly a very costly mistake and it’s worse if he’s someone you will still marry.please allow God speak to you directly. ..don’t be a pawn in the hands of men and the enemy..much love