Dear Mimsters: Should I wait for my husband or return his bride price and move on?

I’m a 29 year old mother of 2 boys, aged 3 and 5-years-old respectively. I want to know if I should wait for my husband or move on?
I’ve been in an abusive marriage for seven years. Four months ago, my husband threw me out because he saw a missed call on my phone. He claims to have called back the called and the caller boasted to him that he is a chevron staff who is dating me.
He packed some of my things out after attempting to strangle me to death. I moved to my parent’s house. His family claims I have committed an abomination that I should have moved to their own house instead. Husband said he and his mother have decided that I must resign from work before they accept me back.
I called the number back to enquire who it was and he saidhe was calling to inquire about the requirements to open an account. I work in the marketing department of a bank.
I pretended to agree with my husband and mother in law when advised to resign to salvage the marriage but hubby said it was too late because he is in love with another woman.
My properties are still in his house and he has refused to divorce me properly nor explain to my parents my offence. He is defaming me about town that I’m adultrous and my parents are wicked for not chasing me back to him. He does not pay our children’s school fees neither does he give me money but he’s a cheerful giver outside. He can lodge in a hotel room for one month and remembers me only when he is broke.
Should I be the patient woman who waits tirelessly for years for a husband who has abandoned her or should I return his brideprice and move on? Please note that I’ve fasted and prayed because of his immoral lifestyle before now.
Nobody deserves to be humiliated this way, bride price or not, please move on with your life. Shits happen everyday and this is one of them. Remember you got just one life, don’t let anyone tell you how to live it.
Madam please the marriage is over. Why wait for him to divorce you? Who says you can’t file for divorce? Please do the needful and move on with your life and kids
Give him his bride price back and move on please. He doesn’t love you one bit and treats you like trash. Please return his money and move on with your life. Don’t let him tie you down, you are too young for all these and besides he abuses you. What’s there to salvage?
the choice is yours to mk
why don’t you Lt him be and move on…
you don’t have to remarry , simply take care of yourself and Kidd’s
My dear please wait for your husband to come and kill then bury you…Recieve sense In Jesus Name
My dear cnt u c d hand writing written on the wall?
You said he abuses you yet u still want to go, hmmmm virtuous woman, he has move youshould also move on, if you dare quit your job and go back to your husband’s house hell will be much more habitable compare to what u will face in hishands and that of his family. Quitting your job will make u to be depending on him for everything and you will not only suffer including your kids. As for you things that are still in his place go to the police station or mopol barrack look for a woman officer explain your problem with your husband to her, tell her that u just need few officers to accompany you to his house that u want to move your stuff out of his house, cos if you fo alone he might harm you or lie that u took his stuff along ( do this only when uve made up ur mind to move on and also gather enough evidence to back your claim ). Na who they alive healthy and with money lives life.
Pls read these comments n be wise