Natural Remedies: How to Clear Dark Spots, Chicken Pox Scars & Mosquito Bite Scars on Children’s Skin

Occasionally, the dark spots that appear on a child’s skin are harmless, but the appearance is not very attractive, and let’s face it: we want our children’s skin to look flawless at all times.
Now, when these spots are caused by chicken pox, mosquito bites or infections, there is little that you can do to salvage the situation, depending on the level of your child’s sensitivity.
Some children scratch so much when they have mosquito bites, that these bites eventually become dark spots. In the same way, dried chicken pox scars can cause unsightly dark spots, especially when scratched too much.
Here are some effective home remedies to help clear dark spots on your baby’s skin.
- Use Shea butter commonly called ori. It has been said that the cream, works wonders, clearing off scars, spots and also stretch marks.
- Mix 5 table spoons of honey, lime/lemon. Apply to the affected area to until desired results are achieved.
- Mix baking soda and egg whites. Apply to the affected area until desired results are achieved.
- Tomato and Lemon Juice. These fruits have natural healing properties which reduce and fade out dark spots. Apply to the affected area daily until desired results are achieved.
- Aloe Vera. The Aloe Vera plant has one of the most effective natural remedies to remove black spots caused by chickenpox. It nourishes the skin and enhances the regenerative properties of the skin. To use, simply apply the aloe Vera gel directly on skin.
- Rose Water and Honey. Mix in equal quantities and apply to the affected area at night, let it sit for 20 minutes and then rinse off.
- Apple Cider Vinegar. Contains a wide range of amino acids, acetic acid and vitamins are all essential in skin care. Dab some to the affected area, leave for 30 mins and then rinse out.
- Hydration: Make sure your child is well hydrated always, water enhances the cells in the body, which will automatically enhance the skin.
- Castor Oil. It is known for lightening dark spots on the face and all over the body. Apply to the affected area and leave to sink into the skin.
Always visit a dermatologist for professional advice before starting any home remedies.
Thanks MIM, sheer butter is very nice.
Nice one….thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing.
I’ve learnt some home remedies. Thanks
thanks for shearing
Tanks for the information will try it
Children are gifts