WOW! Woman Gives Birth Twice Within 10 Months

Kimberley Smiley, 31, a native of New Zealand had given up on trying to conceive after trying for 6 years, both naturally and through In Vitro Fertilazation, IVF.
After several years of failed attempts, Kimberley and her husband Jason, decided to give IVF one last try and she finally found out she was pregnant. She said:
“At that point we thought we’ll give it one last try, it was amazing especially since we had essentially given up on having children”
Kimberley endured a difficult pregnancy. However, on the 16th of January, 2016, she gave birth to a son, Jack. Born premature, at only 35 weeks, Jack, was perfect to Kimberley and Jason.
Kimberley who was still basking in the euphoria of her newborn who was only four months old got another amazing surprise. She was pregnant. Speaking with Daily mail, she said:
“The midwife told us you can get pregnant naturally after IVF. But after years of trying we thought we couldn’t conceive so we weren’t we weren’t worried about using contraception, we weren’t planning on having another baby, but then when Jack was four months old we found out I was four weeks pregnant.”
Kimberley was hospitalized for 3 weeks after her water broke at just 29 weeks of pregnancy. Finally, on November 25, 2016, she gave birth to another son, named Sam. She said:
“There was supposed to be a year but there’s only 10 months between them”
Photo Credit: Daily mail
Jeezzzz!!!!! They ain’t smiling oh.
Wow! Congratulations
Wow! This is so cool. Double blessings oh after trying for 6 years. Congratulations to the couple.
God of surprise
Wao double package
not easy sha..but its great
Wow congrat to the couple,but I silute the mother for the opportunities d lord have given. To her,bcs is not easy.