7 Things You Should Let Your Child See You Do

One secret to top notch parenting, is to model the behaviors you want your child to develop. This is a way to raise a happy and well adjusted child. Everything a parent does, has to be done with discretion and wisdom. There are however, certain things that will ensure the optimal development of any child. Below are 7 things you should definitely let your child do:
1. Kiss mummy or daddy
It is the job of parents to model what it is like to be loved and to love someone. What better way to do this than to let our kids see us do this this to each other? Simple actsof affection shown to yourselves in front of your kids, go a long way. A simple peck when you both get back from work, a hug at night or good morning, a peck on mummy’s cheek at dinner — all these gestures teach them how to appreciate affection, and how important it is.
2. Struggle
Letting your kids see you struggle, and how you handle it, how you rest or ask for help, will help them realize that the mentality that life is smooth does not exist. Through the pre-teen and teenage years, they will come to understand and appreciate that it is a natural part of life, and every crisis is an opportunity to grow.
3. Cry
Human beings are not robots, we feel emotions such as sadness. Be comfortable enough to demonstrate this to your children. Do not let them grow up thinking that this is a sign of weakness. Let them be comfortable letting it out sometimes.
4. Exercise
Exercising teaches your child that you take care of your body, and not your mind alone. It might not be relevant to them immediately, but it helps keep it on their minds so that when it is the appropriate period in their lives to start working out, they won’t find it strange or difficult.
5. Be spiritual
Let your children see you have a practice that anchors you internally. It could be through prayer, it could be meditation, some kind of spiritual activity on a regular basis. It’s really important for children to see that life isn’t all about outward achievement alone, but soul searching and preservation.
6. Learn
Learning is a lifelong pursuit and an essential one. No one ever stops learning really. It is good to let your little ones know that learning is a lifelong activity, and that no human being has all the knowledge. Every day, new ideas, are springing up. Going the extra mile to learn regularly will also encourage your child to do the same.
7. Be kind to yourself
It is often said that parents are always hard on themselves, it is true. Mummies often complain about how fat their tummies are, daddies talk about how stressful work is. Sooner than you know, they start to mimic these traits because they believe that is how adults talk. Let them hear, see and watch you be appreciative of your self, so that they too can do the same.
Thanks for sharing this helpful tips
Noted. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks MIM
thanx mim