“Why exactly do we take our marital issues to social media?” – Basketmouth

Comedian, Basketmouth, took to his Instagram page yesterday to ask various questions concerning the use of social media to air out marital disputes. This has been the trend lately, as not only celebrities use this means to display everything going on in their personal lives, but even their fans.
Here are questions he asked via Instagram:
Why do we even feel the urge to show off our wealth on social media?
Does it breed hate, love or jealousy?
Why exactly do we take our marital issues to social media?
Since when did the world become our shrinks or marriage counselors?
When did our validation start depending on strangers?
Since when did IG become the judge of our lifestyle, personality, behavior and character?
Why do we spend more time showing people everything about our personal lives rather than living the life itself?
Why are we so hungry for followers on our social media platforms?
Does the amount of followers improve our quality of life? Does it add anything to ones talent?
Why am I even asking these questions….what’s my business sef? *sips chilled Malta guinness*”
Photo Credit: Instagram
true talk
Good questions basket mouth.
Abi ooooo