Why Every Dad Should Have Skin to Skin Time When Baby is Born

Much of pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period revolves around mother and baby. Very few involve the father. However, more research continues to surface about the importance of dads’ role during birth and the postnatal period, one of which includes skin to skin contact with baby.
Why is Skin to Skin So Important?
The relevance of skin to skin, especially for mothers over the years cannot be over emphasized as this is seen as a natural part of bonding. Dr. Nils Bergman presented a study at the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine and shared current research about the importance of skin to skin. His study finds that just 30 minutes of skin to skin with dad actually rewires dad’s brain.
Many of our natural instincts are impacted by our hormones. Our hormones also, are influenced by many things including our environment and actions. Mothers are at an added advantage as they have the hormone oxytocin, to help their maternal instincts kick in. When fathers spend time with their newborn, hormonal changes occur including a rise in dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for many things in a man’s body, one of which includes pleasure. A rise in dopamine plus the release of oxytocin means his brain creates a positive association when in close interaction with baby.
In conclusion, it helps a father’s natural parenting instinct kick in faster. A lot of fathers are wonderful parents without having the skin to skin contact. Then again, those that do, according to Dr Nil’s research are able to cope far better, and are more confident being hands on.
This means you get to have a daddy who will not grumble at staying up late with his baby at 2 am, changing diapers, baby sitting or offering to help soothe the baby without mummy asking for a helping hand.
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This is good to know.