‘Stop looking for famous people to influence your children’ – Amber Rose Advises Parents

Controversial model, Amber Rose is sharing some major parenting advice on her Instagram page. The hot mum, shares in a very straight-to-the-point piece, that parents should stop looking for famous people to be role models to their kids. This came up, apparently after a mum sent Amber a message, telling her that she is not living a life worth emulating and she should be a better role model because her children were following her (Amber). See her response below.
” Welp this is more of a statement than a question but i get this one a lot. The nicest way i can put it is…..RAISE YOUR OWN KIDS!!! Stop looking for famous people to influence your children. I am not a role model to your kids. How about you be that. I am not here to raise your children for you or influence them in anyway. I have my own child that lives with me and knows me better than anyone knows me. I would never have my kid (even as a teenager) follow a 33 year old grown woman on social media. I filter everything he watches and will continue to do so until he is an adult and he is able to make his own decisions. You should do the same.”
We all have ways of parenting
well spoken
I kinda agree with her though.
nice one