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Dear Mimster: I have been waiting for him for many years. Am I wasting my time?

Dear Mimster: I have been waiting for him for many years. Am I wasting my time?

Am I wasting my time? I’m 28 and a single mom of I who got pregnant in my teens. I was in SS3 then, so was unable to write till date. It was a terrible time for me when I got pregnant as my family basically threw me out. The guy responsible denied me and my unborn child but I managed to take care of my child and I. Today, she is in secondary school and I am very proud of her.

I’ve always wanted to go back to school but it’s been kind of difficult because I didn’t have the financial support. I have a job, and even though I am the manager, it doesn’t pay much but I am grateful.

To cut the story short, I have been dating this guy for 8 years now and 2 years into our relationship, he got another girl pregnant. I was very devastated. I left him but he kept pleading and apologized that I am the one he wants and he doesn’t love her at all. I forgave him and we moved on. He was still at the university then. I stood by him through everything. If he needed money for his kid or himself, it was me. He was working and schooling and in that time, I never got any financial help from him. I figured that he is the one paying his bills. I didn’t complain cause I’m not one to depend on a man.

Years later, we had a fight. I got to find out that he still had something to do with his baby mama. I was really vexed, so I left him and in that time I met someone else and we formed a relationship. He travelled abroad and we have been communicating well.

After he travelled, I got back with my ex and we started dating again. Now he is a graduate and working but I still don’t see any change in him financially. We do not live in the same state anymore since 2 years and he has proposed to me. He has even told his family about it and I accepted but the problem is I am still paying for everything alone, even the wedding plans are on hold cause no dime has come from him.

If I am in need and I need 1k, I cannot depend on him. He can’t even boast of giving me money to make my hair. I am not the type to ask for money cause I feel he should know what I want and need but this one does nothing, not even when I need financial assistance to pay my kid’s school fees. I can’t count on him to help.

It has been going on like this since we started dating. I’m always the one bringing money to the table and I don’t want to live like that. I know that he’s having issues with work; he is currently on training, so, no funds yet, but I feel like if we eventually get married, I’ll be taking care of myself and I’m always making excuses for him. Sometimes I don’t even feel the relationship. I want to leave and at the same time I don’t want to.

My friend abroad is pleading with me to wait for him but he is a Yahoo Boy. He’s been the one helping me financially. This is someone who doesn’t see me but the problem is that I don’t want to marry a Yahoo boy. I am at a crossroad right now. Do I keep on waiting for my current relationship and hoping that things will change? I have been patient enough, don’t ask him for money and always been independent. I just want to see that he can share what he has with me.

I am going through a lot right now and can’t even depend on him. Some might say it is because I don’t ask but how can I when he is always complaining not to have. I just feel like it is about time he takes care of me for a change by paying some of my bills. I don’t think I’m asking for too much.

I feel like ending the relationship and moving on but I am scared of starting a new relationship. I don’t know what to do.

View Comments (6)
  • Please end the relationship. That guy is stingy and has seen you as a money bag who doesn’t need help. If you marry him, you will be the one footing all the bills because he will go worse then. You can’t marry a yahoo boy? But you accept his money. Have you discussed with him what he intends to do just incase yahoo doesn’t pay anymore? Have you discussed with him your fears of not wanting to marry a yahoo boy? Have you discussed other means to make income aside yahoo? I see he truly cares for you, please discuss with him before concluding.

  • Do you have to marry any of these guys? The one in Nigeria, pls tell him to keep the wedding on hold until he is financially stable and can make contributions to the wedding. You can’t continue to spend your money on him and i think its hightime you started investing your money on a business. You have to start planning for your future and that of your child. Right now you need a husband that can take good care of you and your child and not a liability. Dont spend a dime on this man any more. If he is never ready pls leave him and God will surely give you your own husband. You’ve really wasted 8 years of your life , you need to move on instead of adding more years to the relationship.

    Also, let the yahoo man let him continue supporting you financially but when he finally comes back and he is still interested in marrying you then you find excuses not to marry him.

  • I bet u DAT if u eventually Marty this guyzu will still be carrying the financial burden of this family for the rest of ur life. Ask urself if u really want such for urself

  • Please leave him ASAP
    AS for the Yahoo guy, discuss your fears with him, if he’s not willing to go into something legitimate, you let him go too.

  • u dont want to suffer all your life do u???…end the rel wt the two of them…its better to start a new rel wt some one wt a legal income and loves you,ready to spend on u dan this suffering u want to matter how broke a guy is if he isnt stingy you would know cos out of his nothing he would still share wt u….

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