Dear MIMsters: I’m Heartbroken as My Boyfriend is Concerned about My Virginity Status

I’m in my early 20s and having issue with my Fiancé concerning my virginity status.
We have been dating since 2015 and just started trying to make out in April. He tried to dis-virgin me in April but had to stop halfway because I was complained it was painful. He then tried the second time again that same day and stopped halfway like the first time.
I traveled home since then and we did not meet again until yesterday. We had sex and I did not feel any pain neither did I complain about anything to him. He returned back home and called to tell me that my vagina isn’t tight and he noticed I did not feel pains. I told him noticed the same thing too but just did not want to tell him about it.
He then ask me if I have another boyfriend. I told him no but he doesn’t want to believe that I did not cheat on him. I have sworn with everything I know that he met me the way he left me but he is insisting on getting an explanation. I have been begging him but he maintains I am lying. He is the best guy in the world and I don’t want to lose him. Right now, I am confused and sad because I have never cheated on him not even in my thoughts. I have never allowed any of my EX thrust my vagina when we were dating but yet he said it wasn’t as tight as the first time like other virgins he knows.
My two friends who told me about how they felt when they were dis-virgined told me it was very painful. I don’t know why my case is different. Can someone please explain why I did not see any blood when he tried to dis-virgin me the first time and why was it easy for him to penetrate 2 months after. I am not seeing any other guy except him. I have been begging him since yesterday but he doesn’t believe me.
This is how you will start begging and continue to beg in marriage. Please stop begging him. If he doesn’t believe you, his loss. You obviously love him silly. As for your questions, not all virgins have hymens. Some perforate theirs unknowingly either by strenous exercises, bicycle rides or some other ways. I didn’t have an hymen when I was disvirgined. Maybe your man’s dick is too tiny that you didn’t feel pains lool just kidding. Don’t get worked up over nothing. 2 months with sex cannot widen a vagina. Stop begginh himx he will come around and if he doesn’t, good riddance…. you know the rest.
My dear, begging him is out of it, he said your vagina wasn’t tight like the other virgins he knew, pls ask him how many virgins does he know? How many has he disvirgined? How do you know if he loves you the way you love him? Call him on phone or set up a date with him that you would like to confess to him and you want him to come see you, stay in an open place and not a secluded place. When you see him, ask him all those questions and ask him why he wasn’t a virgin when you met him. I bet it with you , he won’t have any reasonable answer for them. Tell him he is probably after you because you were a virgin and if he want to continue with the relationship, set up your own rules…..and that is TRUST. If there is no trust in a relationship, it will eventually crash so there is no point saving the crash till after marriage. Better men await you outside, God will direct you. Don’t force yourself on any man that doesn’t worth it. Shallom
You’re still there asking questions.
Is it that you’ve not realised he’s into disvirgining girls and that he is looking for a way to dump you since he has succeeded with you.
Next time say no to sex until marriage.
its always safe to keep sex till u married.he might just have wanted getting there n dumping u….stop begging him