Evil! See What Teacher Allegedly Did to 6 Year Old Girl Because She Talked ‘Too Much’ in Class

A 6-year-old girl has died under controversial circumstances after her teacher allegedly sellotaped her mouth for talking too much. The teacher, named Ju Chunwei, allegedly glued Guo Jintong’s mouth because she was talking too much during morning exercise.
According to the post, Jintong’s father claimed that her teacher had accused the girl of talking too much during the morning exercise.
After Jintong and her classmates went back to the classroom, the teacher sealed the girl’s mouth with glue and sellotape. She was later sent to the kindergarten’s clinic soon afterwards and she died around 40 minutes after her mouth had been taped.
The angry father also claimed that when the ambulance arrived, his daughter had been dead for 30 minutes.
After seeing the youngster’s condition, the nurse immediately called an ambulance. The child was later taken to hospital, but doctors said they were “unable to bring her back”.
The nursery school is yet to release a statement about the incident. Reports claim that the teacher in question has been suspended by the school.
Government officials have confirmed the case and are said to be investigating with local police.
Photo credit: Weibo
How evil can a teacher be? Smh. May the child’s soul RIP. Amen.
Hmmmmnn…demonic teacher