You Won’t Believe What Hollywood Star Gabrielle Union’s Father Told Her Husband When they First Met…
by Jumoke Simi
June 20, 2017

In a long post on her Instagram page, American actress, Gabrielle Union recalled the first time her dad met her husband, Dwanye Wade, and the first thing he asked him within minutes of meeting him.
Celebrating her lovely pops on Father’s Day, 44-year-old Gabrielle revealed:
”Happy Fathers Day Dad! To the man who told @dwyanewade within minutes of meeting him “What do you want with my daughter? She’s got her own shit, owns her own home, has a career… So whatcha bringing to the table that she doesn’t already have?” D replied “I just want to love her.”
My dad stared at him dead in the face for a minute, then smiled “Well, what do you think about my Cornhuskers?” My pops… He always has my back, taught me about valuing hard work and independence and that you ARE your brothers/sister’s keeper. Love you Dad.”
The vibrant actress and her basketball star husband have been happily married for over two years now and are trying to have their own kids.
Dwayne already has three sons from previous relationship.
Photo credit: Getty Images
Correct daddy. Nice one pops.
Responsible dads always got their daughter’s backs.