Dear MIMsters: I’m Torn Between the Kind of Delivery I Want and What Hubby Wants

My first pregnancy was very difficult because my labour was induced at 41 weeks. I went on to labor for almost 2 days without much progress. I was not more than 3 cm dilated, so naturally, I ended up having a Caesarean section delivery.
Now, I am 35 weeks pregnant with my second baby. I have been told that I must write my birth plan in the hospital. Hubby has instructed me to opt for a Caesarean section because he does not want to see me go through the same hassle I went through with my first pregnancy during labour.
My mum called all the way from Africa to advice me to go for a Caesarean section. I was quite shocked by mum because she is one mum who can pray for Africa. The thing is, I don’t want to. I would like to try the vagina birth since the doctor said that there is a huge possibility for me to have a vaginal birth.
But my hubby is not having any of this as he is still standing on his ground and wants me to go for the elective Caesarean Section. Even though I understand my husband’s worry about me having a repeat of my horrible experience during my first delivery, and fear of complications of the baby and myself, I won’t feel happy if I don’t give Vaginal birth at least a try.
You even have people who are solidly behind you to opt for an easy option and you don’t want to? Vaginal birth oh, CS oh, birth is birth.
From your story, it seems your husband wants the best for you. It can be scary for our loved ones to see us in so much pain. On the other hand, by 35 weeks, your doctor should be able to tell you from scans the likelihood of a VBAC. what is the position of your placenta, is baby head down, do you have a distended womb in this pregnancy, etc. Don’t expose yourself to unnecessary risk by attempting labour, to avoid complications.
All the best.
they only worried abt u…y not just opt fr a cs
Madam, go and have the CS, the most important thing is for you and the baby to be fine.