Dear MIMsters: He’s a Hardworking Man But My Mum Wants More For Me

I am currently in a relationship with a hardworking man who is 28 years old. I love him and he loves me too. We’ve been on for about a year now.
My problem is that my guy is not that educated. He only has a secondary school certificate. According to him, he had no help from anywhere with his education and he didn’t want to add more burden to his mum since she was already sponsoring his sisters to higher institutions back then.
He speaks English fluently and is so composed you can hardly tell that he has not gone beyond secondary school. Meanwhile I have a National diploma and I’m planning to go back to school this year. My plan is to obtain a B.Sc.
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To be candid, he is everything I want in a man. But my mum said she doesn’t want me to marry anyone who isn’t very educated.
My question is it advisable to move on with him as he is not ready to go back to school for now. He wants to make money first.
Secondly, how do I handle my mum’s part of it as I’m not ready to leave my man? I need your honest advice?
Hmmmmnn…i dont no how to advice u on this…but if u marry him are u sure u wd not regret cos most times dat uneducated part comes to play…dnt rush it…dnt be love blind….
If you so love him, then encourage him to go to school while hustling.
You have ordinary diploma and you are complaining that he is not well educated. I have seen women that have phd and they are happily married to their secondary school leaver husbands. This your superiority will get you nowhere, you have a wonderful guy and you’re complaining. May God help you
Read carefully…she said her ‘mum’
Am a Bsc graduate and i marry a secondary school holder my sis we are very much happy still waxing strong for 6yrs so far u are not claiming superiority
With the existing reality, your spouse can always further his education, after achieving some level of financial stability . Nonetheless, your relationship shouldn’t be affected. All you guys need is determination, to get to the academic status you desire.
It really depends on what you want.