Dear MIMsters: All I Need is a Word of Encouragement

I am a young mum who is currently breastfeeding my nine month old daughter. Something dreadful happened to me today. I was expecting my period but it didn’t come. So, I went to check yesterday. Oh my word!
I found out that I am almost 4-5 weeks pregnant. I know you think that I am suppose to be happy but I am not. Infact, I am so discouraged. We didn’t plan for this to happen.
My husband and I are living a very hard life because his income is so little. Sometimes, it is hard for us to have 3 complete meals in a day and I am jobless.
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I don’t know how we are going to raise both children when we are already struggling with the one child we have.
I also want to know, should I stop breastfeeding? How do I stop? I feel sorry for my little girl. I am so sad and desperate that I even had to google on how to abort my baby naturally. My heart aches.
Please tell me something to give me hope as I am losing it. Even though my husband has encouraged me so much, I am still thinking a lot. Has anyone been in my shoes before? How did you handle it?
be encouraged shit happens but this is a gift from God…this child’s coming would open doors financial doors fr u
Dear poster, children are gift from God, i was in the same shoes some time ago but indeed i dont regret it at all. in my case my child was only 7 months when i got pregnant. i see them today and am so glad that it was a sweet mistake, they are so grown and so adorable now. God will provide for u ok. just accept it and give God all the glory he will see u through my dear. all the best.
dont be discouraged, thank God ur husband is not complaining, God has already ordained it to be so and he wont foresake u now so be happy for better days lie ahead
I can’t say I know what you are going through, but I feel for you. First of all, you can keep breast feeding your baby if you are up to it but if are not, then stop. You need to take things one day at a time. You will be fine sweetie. God will open doors for you and your family.
I have three children but when I got pregnant with the 3rd I was not expecting it. I have given birth to a beautiful baby girl now and it is only my husband working but God has been faithful. Just believe that God will come through for you. If there’s little job like teaching you can try that to keep you busy.
It has happened be thankful. The Lord whom has blessed you with that child will provide for your family. I 4months pregnant and my daughter is 9mnths old. I have been quiet about it but my husband is more excited than I am. Be strong for yourself children and husband, the Lords Grace is
With you
It has happened, this is the wrongest time to look for a job. Keep praying for God to make a way for you. After this, please get a family planning done and look for a job, it’s not right for a woman to be dependent on a man, you got to help him to grow.
U will haV to believe God and trust in his ability to provide for d future u have not seen. Stop the worry.