How to Care For Your Veejay after an Episiotomy (Part Two)

Mark Wealth
An Episiotomy is a small incision made to expand the veejay so that a baby can conveniently pass through during delivery. Convenient for the baby at the mother’s expense though, the incision is stitched right after the baby is born. How to care for this wound thereafter has got to be a bother for the new mother.
Here are some helpful tips on what to do to help you fast and nicely so.
Pads And Tampons
Tampons are a no-no before 6 weeks after the stitching. Use pads instead. Pads should be changed every 3-4 hours making sure your hands are clean and avoid touching the surface area of the pad. You hands could easily cause an infection.
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Experts recommend removing the pad from front to back rather than back to front. And when putting a fresh one, do it in the same direction -from front to back. You’ll be at a risk of bringing germs from the anus into the site of the cut if you go from back to front.
Hands, Fingers and Nails.
You know you’ll be washing, patting dry and applying analgesic ointments every now and then. You hands need to be washed with antiseptic soap and dried before making any vaginally contact. It’s also important that your finger nails be cut short so you don’t injure or upset the sensitive area while washing or applying ointment.
Physical Exertion
Do not exert your self too much in the few weeks following your episiotomy. If you observe that you start bleeding when you walk around or climb the stairs, try to reduce your movement or at least the strain you put yourself through. Be careful while sitting down or getting up. Try to do it slowly so that you can find the convenient way to sit and avoid hurting the vagina.
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Avoid Constipation
Do this by watching your diet. Drink lots of water and consume food with fibre. When you have bowel movement, it may hurt while trying to do number 2. That’s why you need the water and fibrous meals. Remember to use warm water when washing off and pat to dry.
Do these things and you will not only be helping the wound heal faster, you’ll be keeping your vagina free from infections. Remember though, you can’t be having sex until you have healed fully. This is one of those times when delayed gratification leads to an enjoyable end.
SEE ALSO:How To Wash and Care For Your Vagina
Thanks for sharing
Very well noted. Thanks for sharing MIM.
thanx mim