Dear MIMsters: I Am Pregnant With Another Man’s Child and I’m Scared to Death

I am scared to death because I’m pregnant with another man’s child. My husband is based abroad.
We looked for the fruit of the womb for 6 years before God blessed us with a child 3 years ago. Throughout my pregnancy, he didn’t touch me. He left to seek a bright future abroad when I was 7 months gone.
He came home after the naming ceremony of our child and spent a month with us and left. During this period, I begged him to have sex with me but he refused.
SEE ALSO:Dear MIMsters: Why I Feel My Husband Isn’t Mine Even Though We Already Have Kids
My baby is going to two years now and he still has not showed up again since the last time he came on the grounds that he has no money. I have been the one catering for my baby ever since I gave birth to him.
I can’t really say he’s doing it intentionally because he’s the caring type and can spend when he has, which is why I have been enduring and believing all will be well till now.
My problem now is that I have a male friend who has been married for 5 years. This friend has been asking me for advice concerning his marriage.
His wife can keep malice with him for 3 to 6 months. He goes around with frustration written all over him. They have no child and he called me two months ago that his wife has packed and was crying like a baby and I kept encouraging him and all that.
He has been telling me he wants to marry me but he’s putting himself in my husband’s shoes.
He called me a month ago and I went to his house. As I was about to leave, he kissed me and before I knew it we were having sex which has never happened. I was so carefree thinking nothing would happen because I am safe but I have been begging God for forgiveness since then.
I started feeling somehow last week and I went to lab for test and it came out positive. We went together but I couldn’t wait for his reaction. I ran like I wanted to die to my house and I’ve been thinking of what to do since then. I am confused.
Hmmmmn so sad
kip there is a reason for everything, dot u dear abort the gift of God. truth it’s not hubby pregnancy but a man dat can kip a woman here for 2years, how did he want u to cope. seek for forgiveness from God. if d person u are pregnant for wants to marry u truly, go ahead. goodluck
Hmmmm you have two options, you either divorce your husband and marry him or abort the pregnancy. Whatever you choose, do not let your husband know you cheated on him. Ask God for forgiveness and leave it at that.
Have the baby do not abort the baby at worst case scenario give the baby to his dad after all he doesn’t have any child yet. if you want to stay with your husband tell him what happened after all many men abroad have oyinbo wives,he should be able to reason with you
Ask for divorce from your husband, Tell him you can’t wait any longer and want to move on with your life but don’t abort the child and make sure you the child father get married to avoid your child been call a basted.
Talk to someone about it (pastor, mother) because you can’t handle this on your own. They will have a way to tell your husband. Keep the pregnancy. Whatever decision your husband takes, you must be ready to face it. You are in for a lot of humiliation but you must be bold and face it.
May God give you wisdom to handle this.
May God direct you accordingly.