Kenyan Mom Starves Newborn to Death | See Heartbreaking Reason

A baby girl who was born with facial deformities in Kenya has died of starvation after her mother refused to breastfeed her.
The baby was born on Sunday, August 27 and without eyes. Her nose was on the upper side of her face. According to the family, the mother, Ms Mariam Mwakombo, refused to breastfeed the newborn because she was afraid.
According to reports from Kenya Nations Newspaper, the innocent baby cried for hours after birth due to hunger and later died at night and was eventually buried in accordance with Mijikenda, Kenyan traditions.
The mother said she was afraid of her baby girl. According to her, she has never seen such a human like her baby before and that really made her uncomfortable and even frightened her.
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“She frightened me. I have never seen such a human being.” she said.
Ms Mwakombo’s husband, Hassan Kitoto, said he could not comprehend why God gave him such a child. He also was very uncomfortable with the baby’s deformity.
“I am equally scared. I have never seen such a human being. Whatever the elders will decide let it be,” he said.
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Reports showed that the baby Ms Mwakombo attended antenatal care twice and could not continue till delivery date because the hospitals dismissed her as they were on strike.
The baby was born with Anophthalmia, which was diagnosed soon after birth when parents and paediatricians notice the lack of eye tissue, essentially non-existent eyeballs. It was reported that there is no cure for anophthalmia.
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We understand that Mwakombo was so shocked to see her baby that way but depriving her of feeding or starving a new born is not encouraging as she never prayed to be born that way, her not having a sight was not her fault.
This is truly sad. Should we blame this on ignorance?
Photo credit: KenyaNationNewspaper
Very sad.