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Mum Who Conceived 3 Kids in 11 Months Delivers Honest Message About Postpartum Body (Photo)

Mum Who Conceived 3 Kids in 11 Months Delivers Honest Message About Postpartum Body (Photo)

The year 2016 was a big one for Eliza Curby and her partner Ben.

In January of that year, Eliza had their first child Charlie and to their surprise, six weeks later she found out she was pregnant again, with identical twins. In December of that same year, cute baby boys Jack and Wolfe entered the world.

The 27-year-old Northern Beaches mum told

”I still can’t believe it. We fell pregnant with our first, Charlie, three months after we started dating!

Ben had always been super keen to become a father so we were over the moon at the thought of creating our own little family.

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I say little as Ben’s idea of a family included two children — very nuclear indeed — I, on the other hand have always been set on having as many children as I can — nothing excites me more than the thought of walking through our local streets of Mona Vale with my own little clan.”

And while laughing she added;

”Needless to say the decision was taken out of his hands — I win.”

Yes, that’s three babies in 11 months to be exact!

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Forget what you may see on social media and celebrity mums posing up a storm on the red carpet, in reality many mums are adapting to their post-partum bodies, and accepting that childbirth has altered them for ever.

30 weeks pregnant with my boys.

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Eliza knows this too well and the mother of three doesn’t want to hide herself away or feel ashamed of her postpartum body. So instead, Eliza proudly posted an image of her “mum tum” on her Instagram page, saying:

”Just because..
Because I’m not embarrassed of the scars my body now carries.
Because I’m proud of what my body has done for me.
Because many women feel the need to hide it.
Because famous women post “look at my body just three weeks postpartum” and portray unrealistic images of what it means to be a mother.
Because I feel beautiful in my own skin – even if there’s alotttt of it!
Because beauty takes many forms.
Because I can.
Because you should also be proud.
This is me… because I love my body.”

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Her powerful message has struck a cord with mothers and they responded;

One woman wrote,

“You are inspiring me to love my postpartum body.”

Another mum-of-three added,

“I so needed to see and hear this message today – THANK YOU!”

Amazingly, it wasn’t just mums who reached out to Eliza in response to her photo, one man explained how his wife often worries about her “mum-tum”, but that he’s never found her more attractive;

”Keep up the good work, Eliza!”

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However, Eliza is just happy to have had a problem-free pregnancy.

My poor body hadn’t even had a chance to recover after the first. I was however lucky to have a problem free pregnancy.

Both boys made it to over 36 weeks, which was the goal, and passed the 3kg mark.”

Photo credit: Instagram

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