10 Tips From a Fitness Trainer to Diminish Cellulite (Part One)

Jincy Kelly
In the US, 90% of women suffer from cellulite while 64% suffer from being overweight. The mention of the word cellulite, sends a lot of women into an anxious tizzy. Cellulite is a quizzical, unwelcome phenomenon that arrives like an irrational and annoying friend without warning and without a desire to budge.
Attempting to seek refuge from a problem that offers no genuine solution most resort to the internet hoping to strike upon some remedy. There are between 1 million and 10 million searches in Google analytics every month for the word ‘cellulite.’
Cellulite no matter how badly you suffer from it can be treated, repaired and fixed!
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What the market currently offers a woman who is searching for a solution to get rid of her cellulite are all quick-fix cosmetic recipes that are like temporary band-aids solutions and only deal with only the surface issue of cellulite – it does not deal with the internal, root cause of cellulite.
I suffered with cellulite for many years even though I was fairly slim. When I became a fitness trainer, the one nagging question I often got asked was, “How do I get rid of cellulite?”
We are told a lie that cellulite is genetic and we just have to learn to live with it.
Live with your self-esteem robbed? Live with being self-conscious of your body? Live forever in anxiety with the sight of cellulite on your skin?
Cellulite Blasting Solutions is the result of intense research and study, working with some of the best fitness professionals and physicians working in the beauty industry; involved in administering surgical procedures to remove cellulite.
To show women that cellulite is not a genetic condition you need to live with for the rest of your life, but is a skin condition can be addressed from the inside out and can be significantly reduced or even disappear.
Kickstart your cellulite blasting now with these tips….
1) Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe vera juice or oil hydrates the skin and is soothing and helps smooth out skin.
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It’s packed with vitamins, including B, C, and vitamin E, as well as folic acid, which fortify the body’s immune system, the health of which is reflected in the skin.
2) Lemon juice as salad dressing
Instead of loading up on fat filled salad dressings like ranch and blue cheese, squeeze a fresh lemon on your salad as a dressing. It has no fat and the Vitamin C in lemon continues to give you more radiant skin!
3) Eliminate red meats from your diet
The fat in red meats is saturated fat. Replace this protein source with healthy protein found in tofu, fish and white meat like chicken.
4) Amino Acids (BCAAs)
The building blocks for collagen and elastic that makes the skin youthful and supple, are amino acids Amino acids also repair the connective tissue and cells in the dermal region of the skin where cellulite resides.
Add a teaspoon of powdered BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids) to a glass of lemon water and have it first thing in the morning.
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5) Amino Acid (Creatine)
When amino acids arginine and carnitine form creatine, natural skin functions are supported and the cells are stimulated to produce more collagen and elastin. Cells supplied with creatine are capable of repairing damaged DNA, which results in cellulite free skin. Add a scoop of powdered Creatine to your lemon water in the morning and another scoop of Creatine in your pre-workout or post workout drink.
6) Wholesome Protein
Wholesome sources of protein provide the right nutrients to build up the cell structures, and this determines the quality of our skin. Increase your diet with protein sources such as beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds, vegetables and fruits as they are all great sources of amino acids.
Goji berry is a super food that provides amino acids that are easy for your body to metabolize.
7) Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
EFAs are loaded with health benefits. Unfortunately our body doesn’t produce all the fats needed on its own, so you need to take supplements. Take two 1000mg EFA fish oil supplements everyday. EFAs attract water to the connective tissues which essentially are the connective tissues that display as lumpy, dimpled skin. The EFAs draw water to connective tissues to build healthy, smooth skin.
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8) Moisturizer
Use a moisturizer that will help to get rid of your cellulite. Use a daily moisturizer that increases blood circulation and has ingredients like cayenne or capsaicin.
Ingredients to look for in a moisturizer: Vitamin C, Hyaluronic acid, Vitamin E, Aloe Vera, ZInc, Pomegranate Extract, Goji Berry Extract.
9) Dry Skin Brushing
Dry skin brushing is one of the most effective exfoliating treatments for skin with cellulite and stretch marks. Regular use removes old dead and dying cells and increases blood flow and stimulates the lymphatic system’s ability to remove built up toxins.
If you would like to learn more about how to treat cellulite from the inside, register for a Free Webinar hosted by the writer of this article:
Jincy Kelly is a Fitness Trainer and a Fitness Competitor
Nice one. Thanks