Dear MIMsters: Am I Being A Fool For Love?

I am in a very confused state right now. Am I being fool for love?
I’m 32-year-old and a single mother of one. I am also a Bsc holder but currently running a small scale business.
I have been into a relationship with this guy who is also a single parent for the past 10 months. I have met with virtually every member of his family except his father whom I have spoken with through my guy’s phone. He has introduced me to his family as the one he wants to marry and they have accepted me.
READ ALSO:Dear MIMsters: They Both Love Me. . . I Don’t Know Who to Choose
But here are the problems that I am having with him: he has refused to meet with any member of my family. This has caused disagreement between us on several occasions.
Secondly, there is the issue of this particular girl he said is his ex (not the mother of his kids o). He has told me that he has nothing to do with her anymore, yet they call each other every day. I see her reassuring him of her love for him. I’m tired of complaining about this issue, yet he doesn’t want to leave her.
I don’t know whether he is fooling me. I need advice on how to go about this whole thing.
It’s better you remain single and take care of your child while you await your dream guy, than having to deal with this kinda mess.
Please leave him alone. He is not ready.
Ah, its very obvious. A guy taking u to his ppl isn’t the issue. Is he willing to meet ur ppl? His family already knows him. Plus if its a family with low morals, he can bring a different girl to them every month, they won’t care. U have more than two reasons why u should stop wasting ur time with him