Dear MIMsters: My Testimony Two Years After Deciding To Say “Yes I Do” To My Husband Who Sells Cows

Oh yes, I’m back with a testimony to the house. I feel good to be here with this testimony and I believe if my previous post is being posted alongside with this testimony, you will understand me better. My husband sells cows.
Sometime in 2015, I came to this platform to seek your help in choosing a life partner. So many discouraged me from marrying my husband just because he’s a graduate who’s into cow business. I have come to tell you that the best decision I made was to marry him.
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In these two years of our marriage, my husband treats me like the queen that I am to him. People called him woman wrapper because he tells me everything and consults with me before he makes a decision. He is homely and takes care of our child when he’s home.
We share everything together including our bank accounts and relate like brother and sister. Even my family members who were not supportive of our marriage now confess that my hubby is the best-in-law so far.
In these two years, God has placed us high and has really proved to the world that he knows the end from the beginning. God has blessed us with a beautiful baby and with everything needed to take care of her. God has also blessed us with our own house whose document has my name on it.
Did I tell you that the proceeds from this same cow business is what my husband is using to do all of these things and a token from my salary?
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When I was heavily pregnant and still riding “keke,” he saved some money and added to mine to buy a car for me in my name which I am cruising today.
I’m in a blissful union today, enjoying my marriage as if “tomorrow no dey” with God at the centre of it all.
I am thankful to my dear mother who has always been there for us. She was the only one who saw good things from Nazareth and took her ground on the decision of marrying my husband. May God bless her.
And to the mothers here, I want to encourage us never to despise the days of small beginnings. Encourage your sisters and daughters to marry whom God want them to marry for he’s always ready to help those who diligently seek him.
Am happy for u. Infact i love thiskind of testimony. Nothing shall separate u from ur husband in Jesus name.
Beautiful testimony. Congratulations ma’am this shall be permanent.
Nothing is impossible for God, thank God for you guys.