Dear MIMsters: How I Stood Up To My Husband In Favour of Our Kids

I am sharing my story to encourage that mum who lives abroad with her kids and is in a long distance marriage with a deadbeat dad. I stood up to my husband in favour of our kids.
I was in the exact situation last year and it was HARD!!!
In all honesty, my husband could not afford to send us money, so, I was stranded with an infant and a toddler. Practically, I could not work even though I was getting job offers. I kept on “harassing” him for upkeep money and he told me to come back home. I refused.
He gave me the ultimatum to choose between staying abroad and my marriage. I weighed my options and chose to stay here with my kids. Seeing all the opportunities my kids and I have in a system where things work compared to the hardship in Nigeria.
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He said he would divorce me and I told him my mind is made up. He said he wants custody of the kids and I told him to come and take them. I knew I would never let my kids go and I already had a plan to win custody of my kids if the worst happened. He eventually had to relocate to meet us.
But truth be told, if a man wants to be responsible, he would even if he is not present. Don’t deprive your kids of the future you planned for them when you took them abroad. It’s not worth throwing away because of a dad that won’t stand up to his responsibility. I love my husband but I WON’T throw a good opportunity away for me and my unborn children for him. I LOVE ME FIRST.
Besides, going back home will not guarantee that he will take up his responsibility. I did all these while praying for God to touch his heart to relocate.
Kudos sweetie. I love strong women like you.
This is exactly my kinda Lady, I love when women are principled and can stand up for themselves.