Woman Scalded With Hot Water When She Was a Toddler Tells Us Why She’s Thankful

Burn Survivor, Dionne Debonaire Bradford, has been through more trauma than most women her age, yet she has a positive outlook on life in spite of them. Dionne was a year and a half years when she was accidentally placed in a tub of very hot water while in an orphanage home, in Jersey.
Dionne and other children were left under the supervision of a young teenage girl about the age of 16, when the unfortunate incident happened.
Following the incident, she was flown to a children hospital where she was in a coma for 3 months. The doctors said she had a slim to none chance of survival because she had suffered 3rd degree burns. 50 percent of her body (from my stomach down to my toes).
She had to undergo numerous amounts of skin graph surgeries.
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Read the full story below…
”My name is Dionne Debonaire Bradford now Idk (I don’t know) the full story about my accident but this is what I was told…
I was about 1 1/2 years old when I was placed in a tub of scrolling hot ???? while in a foster home over in Jersey. As well as other children were left under the supervision of a young teenage girl about the age of 16.
It was bath time and I crapped on myself and with out testing the water she placed me in the tub with my diaper still attached (I now have a permanent bikini line), I was flown to Saint Christopher’s Hospital for children where I laid in a coma induced state for 3 months; the doctors said I had a slim to none chance of survival.
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I had suffered 3rd degree burns..50% of my body (from my stomach down to my toes). I had to undergo numerous amounts of skin graph surgeries.
Due to my serve medical condition I was bounced from foster home to foster home until about the age of 5 where I was adopted into a home that would tend to all of my medical needs.
It wasn’t until the 5th grade where I had to undergo another surgery. The surgery took place at Saint Christopher’s hospital for children. I had to get surgery on my left foot due to the fact that my skin had grown to it’s stretching point and had been causing walking complications.
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Some time after the healing point of the surgery the doctors had to pull the metal pins and staples that were left in my foot to control the growth of my new skin and healing of the bones in my my toes out.
I remember the day like it was yesterday because that was a pain I never wanted to feel again in life.
The doctors made a mistake that day, while pulling the pins out they had broken a few in my foot and left behind some staples, which caused me walking complications for the rest of my life, which included having to go through physical therapy to learn how to walk and bend my toes all over again.
To this day I can’t walk in heels too long, wear certain shoes nor can I bend the toes on my left foot pass a certain extent.
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I don’t know why God chose me to fight this battle but I thank him everyday for having my name on the wake up list everyday. Now don’t get me wrong every day is not a good day but I manage to get through…”
Despite all, she’s so strong, beautiful, lively and above all, she is thankful. We admire her courage and deep rooted strength!
Photo credit: Instagram
God kept you to fulfill your purpose.
Wow. Thank God for her beautiful life.