Dear MIMsters: I Know It Is In My Interest to Break Up With Him But I’m Pregnant With His Baby

I know that it is in my own interest to break up with him, but I am already pregnant with his baby.
I met this guy through my girl friend last year at a wedding. He seemed like a good guy and my friend also said good things about him, so, I decided to give him a chance.
I was working in Victoria Island at that time, when he told me to stop working on January 1. He suggested I go to learn a skill in hairdressing or fashion design and I agreed with him.
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When I travelled in January to my village, I took his name to our family pastor who prayed and told me that it was revealed to him that my guy’s family are idol worshippers. The pastor said that I will be faced with a lot of battles.
Secondly, my guy is stingy. He is one who doesn’t even spend on himself.
Thirdly, he’s a womanizer amongst other things.
The pastor said that I should pray against these things but he didn’t tell me not to marry him. He only told me what he saw and said the choice is mine to make
My girlfriend through whom I met my guy was there with me and she heard all that the Pastor said. Later, she asked me if I have noticed any of these things the Pastor told me about the guy and I said yes.
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For example, when I lost my phone in November, he promised to get me another one as my birthday gift but he didn’t. I just got one for myself 2 weeks ago. Without my phone, he could only reach me through my friend’s phone.
About his family being Idol worshippers, he had already told me the same thing the Pastor said. The only new thing the Pastor told me is the womanizing which I know nothing of.
After then, I told my friend that I won’t continue in such a relationship and would like to end it as soon as I get back.
When I got back, my guy told me to make enquiries for fashion design which I did. It’s 40k a year and he said that it is too expensive.
The following day, I returned to work only to find out that I am pregnant for him. I broke the news to him and he agreed to come meet my family. The things is, he has now gone from bad to worse with his character and the way he talks to me and some other stuffs.
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At this point, I am tired of everything. I told him that I am no longer interested in this marriage and I want to get rid of the pregnancy. I am not working for now, I’m squatting with my friend, and I don’t want to be a single parent. It’s bad enough that I am a product of one already. I don’t know what to do.
Run for your life oh madam. That guy is a heart attack waiting to happen.