Cancer or no Cancer: This Twitter User’s Story Is A Testimony to the Fact That True Love Wins
by MIS Editor
April 5, 2018

In a series on tweets, by A•C | Douglas (@AfricanCurators), a man recounts how true love won in the face of breast cancer. His emotional and heartwarming story which has been retweeted a hundred of times tells is a tale of true love, despair, battles, hope and victory.
See his story below…
When my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer they immediately took her in for surgery and after getting her breast removed she had to undergo intensive Chemotherapy sessions, for those who don’t know what Chemo is.
It’s where they flood your body with poison in hopes of killing the cancer but not killing you in the process. It’s intense, she had no appetite, continuous mouth sores, always feeling weak and losing weight. It broke her as she was always our pillar of strength.My wife were just friends when she got diagnosed and I tried my level best to be there for her, but also cancer came with so much, it revealed a lot you know. Some ‘Friends’ left and even her selfish cunt of an ex did the same but we aren’t here for that.She hated how she looked and would always mention it, called herself an Alien because of having no hair or eyebrows. I couldn’t do anything physically to change that and it hurt me so bad but I chose to cut my hair down also. She straight called me silly for this.The battle was hard but we finished Chemo and Radiotherapy, she was a victor but what pained her was losing 4 friends she had made in Chemotherapy who unfortunately did not survive therapy.I didn’t waste no time after this lol, I straight away put a ring on it, jumped from friend zone to DZAAAADZY. We don’t play. Cancer took so much away from her and I swore an oath to give her more than it took.
Almost 2 years later they are here, happy, alive and fighting.
If this is not true love, I don’t know what is.