Dear MIMsters: Does this mean that he is still in love with the mother of his kids?

Does this mean that he is still in love with the mother of this kids?
I am in a relationship with a guy who I have known since our University days but we parted ways due to the distance.
I have 2 kids now but the father of my children is late. Kunle also two children and he is not married to their mother too. She is a foreigner who lives abroad with their children. Kunle and I have been together for over 2 years and we are planning to settle down soon because we love each other.
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The problem now is that whenever Kunle and I have issues, he hardly makes himself available for us to sit down and talk about it.
Yesterday night, when we were talking on the phone, I told him that I wish the mother of his children never existed. But he thought that I wished her dead. He went on to block me on WhatsApp and on Facebook. He normally blocks me on WhatsApp whenever we have issues but would later unblock me, but this time, he blocked me both on Facebook and on WhatsApp, which he has never done before.
I explained to him that I didn’t mean it that way. I only meant that I wished that they never dated because he says the same thing to me too. He says he wishes he never travelled out, so our kids were only ours.
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I just want to know, especially from men in the house; is this enough to block the woman you are in a relationship with and does this means it is over? I sent him a text this morning, apologising but he didn’t reply. How do I get him to understand what I meant? Or does this mean that he still loves the mother of his kids and would like to go back to her? I am already so sad right now and do not need any insult.