Story of a Burn Survivor, Kanisha Anthony, Who Was Told She Would Never Be Able To Bare Children Will Inspire You To Look Beyond Your Scars

At the age of four, Kanisha Anthony, 29, was trapped in a house fire in which two of her brothers died. Her mother, one of her brothers and here were the only survivors.
Her survival came as a surprise because sixty percent of her body was burnt in the fire including her stomach and her heart stopped beating for about 4 minutes. She lost four of her fingers, an ear, and all of her hair to the fire incidence.
Due to the burns in her stomach area, Kanisha was told that she would never be able to bear children because her stomach could not stretch to accommodate children.
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Kanisha, an author had the courage to go through this pain, not once, but three times. Now, she inspires others to look beyond their scars and learn to live without fear of what people will think. She will soon release her new book sharing her story with the world.
”Hey y’all!! ???????? My Name is Kanisha Anthony first in foremost I am a human being, so we already have so much in common????. I am married and have 3 beautiful over hyper little children. I was in a house fire at the age of 4. I was burned on over 60% of my body.
According to doctors I’m not supposed to be having a functioning life, wasn’t supposed to be able to bare children and to some I wasn’t even supposed to make it past those hospital doors. But here I am! God is truly amazing
I am on a mission in life to help people love themselves just a little more and to help them, help others love themselves a little more (does that make sense?).
Although I am a burn survivor and missing a few fingers, an ear, and my hair, I don’t let that get in the way of the life I dreamed of.
I believe that we should all make the most of our lives no matter what we have been through. We all have scars (some on the outside, some on the inside) and each and every one of those scars tell a story.
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Taking it back to a few years ago when I was featured in a book called Beauty IS. Looking back I was so nervous about sharing my scars with the rest of the world. When I say I was stepping wayyy out of my comfort zone , y’all ????.
I was pregnant with baby #2 and no one knew yet. I remember sitting in the mirror that morning straight crying, telling myself I didn’t have enough confidence to take these pictures.
But then sucking it up thinking of all the people lives that I could change by being brave enough to do it. And that’s all it took. That’s how my confidence start growing. Knowing that I could help at least 1 person love themselves a little more by embracing exactly who I am changed everything!
The survivors you see on social media have not all always had that confidence. It’s something some of us still have to work on, on a daily basis. We put ourselves out there knowing we’re still going to get ignorant comments (you’ll be surprised by some of the comments I still see, smh).
So when I see statements like I wish I was confident like you, I just want to give y’all a big hug. It hasn’t always been there and still isn’t sometimes.
Confidence like anything else takes work! Start by taking baby steps and embracing your imperfections one step at a time
Photo credit: Instagram
She is so beautiful. Thank God for her life.