13 Wholesome Solids To Introduce In Your Baby’s Diet From 6 Months

Eyinade Eweje
Are you planning to introduce solids to your baby anytime soon? Here are 13 rich foods you should definitely include in your baby’s diet to ensure lots of wholesome nutrition and development, appropriate from 6 months…
1. Ripe Papaya
This tasty fruit is rich in antioxidants as well vitamins and minerals including Vitamic C which boosts baby’s developing immune system. It is also rich in fibre and contains papain, an enzyme which aids digestion. These help prevent or relieve baby’s constipation.
You can puree with baby rice.
2. Plain yoghurt
This dairy food, which is rich in fats, phosphorus, probiotics, calcium and vitamin D helps in boosting your baby’s immune system as well as brain and heart health. It also aids healthy growth of baby’s bones and teeth. Opt for plain yoghurt without added sugars with lots of live cultures. The latter helps regulate the good bacteria in baby’s digestive tract, aiding digestion and fighting off infections.
Yoghurt can be offered on its own or added to pureed avocados, banana and apple for more wholesomeness.
READ ALSO: Starting Your Baby On Solids: The 8 Rs You Should Know
3. Brown rice
This is very rich in fibre. Offer baby this in pureed form. Baby oatmeal is another fibre-rich option that’s excellent for baby.
READ ALSO: 7 Things to Note Before Starting Your Baby on Solids
4. Iron-fortified baby cereal
Baby’s iron supply begins to deplete from around 5-6 months, and breastmilk can no longer provide adequate amount of iron for needed replenishment. Experts recommend introducing iron-fortified infant cereals once baby starts eating solids to aid proper growth and development.
You add to fruit purees to thicken or serve alone.
5. Red Meat
It provides an easily absorbed form of iron for baby. This helps red blood cells carry oxygen to cells throughout the body and boost baby’s brain development. Serve baby meat purees, using vegetables such as carrots as added ingredient.
6. Chicken
This is a rich source of protein and vitamin B6, which supports the rapid growth taking place in baby’s body. Puree chicken with baby’s favourite fruit or vegetable for added nutrition.
7. Oily fish
Salmon, Titus and Mackerel are good examples. They are rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids which fosters baby’s brain development, eye health and immune system growth. Boil and mash till very soft and cook with local vegetables such as okro and ‘ewedu’, without adding any salt and seasoning.
8. Peas
Peas provide vitamin K, and are also rich in vitamins A and C, folic acid, fibre and B vitamins. Puree and serve baby. See yummy pea recipe your baby will love here.
READ ALSO: Introducing Solids? See 5 Feeding Problems Baby May Have & What to Do
9. Squash
Squash is naturally tasty and can be boiled and pureed to serve as one of baby’s first foods. It is quite rich in Vitamins A and C. See a yummy squash recipe your baby will love here.
10. Beans
Beans are rich in proteins, iron, folate, zinc and manganese. Soak for a few hours, drain, wash off peels and cook until very soft.
11. Carrot
This tasty vegetable is rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that gives them their orange colour. Beta-carotene converts into vitamin A in the body and aids proper growth and healthy vision.
Cook carrots till very soft and puree.
12. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are very tasty, rich in potassium, vitamin C, and fiber and also provide beta-carotene. Did we mention beta-carotene, an antioxidant, helps get rid of free radicals in the body and prevent some types of cancer?
Cook, mash and make into a smooth puree.
13. Ripe Bananas
Rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre and carbohydrates, they provide baby sustained energy and aid proper digestion. Mash thoroughly and offer baby or puree, adding one or two other fruits.
Other nutritious and appropriate foods to introduce from 6 months include avocadoes, plums, watermelons, mangoes and apples. Start by pureeing one at a time, and increase ingredients as baby gets older and used to the different tastes and textures.
Note that citrus fruits such as oranges and grapes may be too acidic for the digestive system of babies this age. Experts say it’s best to introduce them after 12 months.
You should also wait for a few days after introducing a new food in order to spot any allergy. Discontinue offering any food baby is allergic to immediately and talk to his paediatrician. In addition, if baby rejects a new food, wait a few days before offering it again. You may add new foods as fresh ingredients to ones baby already loves.
Thanks for sharing
Noted. Thanks MIM for sharing.
thanx mim
Thank you so much