“From Throwing Up In Public To Beyond Happy” -Self Love Coach, Stephanie Shares About Her Gradual Journey Into Motherhood.

Self-love coach & optimist, Stephanie who is 12 weeks gone has continued to take her followers through her pregnancy journey.
The soon-to-be single mom who is due to give birth 0n November 23 says her body was thriving on no artificial sugar, no gluten, and no processed foods. The 30-year-old said when she started having her strong morning sickness, she would throw up about 6 times a day & struggle to even keep water down.
Read her story below and feel free to share your own amazing journey into motherhood with us.
”12 week!! Moving right along!!”
????????LIVING OFF OF TORTILLAS- when I found out I was pregnant, I was 4 months in on eating clean. My body was thriving on no artificial sugar, no gluten, no processed foods!
When I started having my strong morning sickness (throwing up about 6 times a day & struggling to even keep water down) I realize I needed to do whatever it took to take in calories and survive. And tortillas was that for me. Not traumatizing if I threw them up, are bland so they didn’t gross me out going down, they were easy and safe.
I went from eating healthy to eating pretty much cardboard… And found myself rapidly gaining weight. ????????
I gain 20 lbs from week 8 to end of week 12. I felt like I failed. The doctor and I aimed to gain 0 to 5 lbs. So when I saw the scale
I felt out of control & confused on how it all got out of control so fast!
????????THROWING UP IN PUBLIC – If I had to go through something crappy like morning sickness, I’m glad I at least got a lot of funny stories out of it.
I threw up on dog walks, in the middle of an intersection while the light was green, in multiple trash cans in the middle of the gym, in front of peoples houses, Vaden’s (my ????) water bowl when I could not even make it to the bathroom, and the list goes on and on. At the time they were embarrassing. But now they just make me laugh.
????????BEYOND HAPPY- Even though my days were physically miserable. I could not help but be overwhelmed with happiness. Even throwing up made me smile.
I thought of it as that was the babies way of saying hi! (Which made life just a little easier on me emotionally) I just felt So blessed that this child chose me to be its mother, & blessed to be able to share this experience with such a loving community! Just so happy!”
READ ALSO: Bolanle Adekoya: How I Keep My Food Portions & Cravings In Control During Pregnancy
At 10 weeks, Stephanie shared…
”That is right… I am 10 weeks in! (I am really 17 but I am trying to play catch up ????)
PRO DRY HEAVER – At the time I took this photo… I was being optimistic that my throwing up had stopped and I was only dry heaving from then on out. But sadly, that was not the case.
For a few days I was a professional dry heaver… but I really should have been on some type of pro team for throwing up. I was struggling to keep anything down. Even water was a massive struggle for me. Around week 6 I started throwing up around 4 to 6 times a day. With a lot of food aversion.????
Leading up to my morning sickness, I was 4 months in on eating clean. And then with everything happening with my body I found myself only eating tortillas and mac and cheese. They were the things I could stomach or weren’t traumatizing when they came back up. So even though I was constantly throwing up, I somehow found myself rapidly gaining weight. ????????
TOLD FAMILY – I wanted to tell my immediate family in a very special way. So, I had custom onesies printed for each family and wrapped them up like gifts & set a date so we all could be together and play games.
When the day arrived, the baby’s father and I asked everyone to sit down and we gave each family their gift! They were SHOCKED & SO FILLED WITH JOY! Could not have been any better! (VIDEO OF US TELLING THEM IS IN MY STORY)
CAN’T TELL IF I’M SHOWING OR BLOATED? – Looking back now… clearly, I was just bloated! ????Currently at 17 weeks I am still questioning if I’m bloated or showing. So, I am very excited about when I am REALLY showing!”
READ ALSO: 9 Early Signs You May Be Pregnant Right Now
When she was 5 weeks pregnant, she narrated…
”When I first found out I was in total disbelief… “There is NO WAY, I could be pregnant!” So after MANY Many pregnancy test all reading POSITIVE, I realized this was happening!! ????
And as a woman who is single, I was scared shitless! My first response was over whelming shame! SHAME that I am not doing “this right” (having a baby with a friend), I “should” be married, I “messed” up my life plan, I am bringing a child into this world in a “harder” situation, “can” I actually do this? etc.
I really had to sit myself down and say… ‘the crap you are telling yourself, is bullsh*t! Now what are some of the blessing in this situation?’
So I made a CRAZY LONG list of all the blessing this baby can bring, and all the ways that this situation is PERFECT! And it is that list that helps me remember that there is nothing to be ashamed of, nothing wrong with my situation, and every thing to be excited for!!!
So if you all are cool with it, I am going to be as open and honest about this process with you. From my body changing, dealing with stereo types/judgements, insecurities, exciting parts, things that terrify me, all of it!
I figure I am at a point in my life where I am hoping that if I am more open and honest about my life, maybe one less person has to feel alone in their situation!
And I will be the first to admit that this was not how I saw this happening! I always imagined that I would be married, and then start my family. But the universe/God/higher power (whatever you call it) decided it had other plans for me. So here I am, single at 30 and having a baby with a good friend of mine! And I could not be more excited about it. ????Before I even knew I was pregnant I was in@lasalitanm multiple times a week ordering their Chile Con Queso! And I was CRAVING their queso like no other and had no idea why!?!
I ate more queso in 7 weeks then I can remember eating in the last few years! If you are ever in ABQ you have to stop by La Salita!!!! AMAZING!!????????.”’