Yvonne Jegede-Fawole Talks Tough, Airs Her Views On Celebrities And Depression

Depression has plagued many of recent; and celebrities are not left. What with many of them coming out to share how they overcame it, and/or how they are working through it.
Some of Nigerian celebrities who have shared their stories so far are Owen Gee, Waje, Banky W, Ubi Franklin,, Muyiwa Ademola amongst others.
According to some of them, this form of illness can be cured through several therapy sessions. Worried by the increasing number of entertainers battling depression, Nollywood actress and television personality, Yvonne Jegede-Fawole, 35, took to her social media page, to give an advise on how people can avoid being depressed.
Posting via her Instagram page, Yvonne wrote:
”everywhere I look these days, there’s one person crying out looking for help with depression, especially people whose jobs entails entertaining the public. This is becoming worrisome. What is going on?”
ALSO READ: What To Do When Your Child Is Depressed or Suffering From Depression
”The other day I watched a documentary talking about the millennial have become a group of people that rely on their phones(which I find myself included), every minute looking for validation from people who are just mere illusions and figures.
The reason why you have 1000 followers and only get 10likes and “maybe” 1comment. We wake up to our phones and the last thing we touch is our phones. Now our lives are based on why didn’t I get enough likes like I did yesterday? Am I loosing my friends/fans? Don’t they like me anymore?
NB- THEY NEVER LIKED YOU. PERIOD. They followed you because they saw you on tv or heard your song on the radio and not because you carry Louis Vuitton bags, fly a private jet, the kind of house you live in nor the type of car you drive.
I’ve seen comments online about me being “broke” and “Yvonne shut up you don’t have shit” “Are you even a celebrity?” I don’t even flinch, because I will never post or write about my personal life online for nobody except it has to do with my work and it’s progress, whatever I do with my income or proceeds are none of anybody’s business.
I’m not the strongest person online and I ain’t got nothing to prove either, especially your validation will not add value to me nor my bank account.
The more people put pressure on themselves trying to compete, trying by all means necessary to get one thing they cannot afford but they feel the need to because they feel that is what I need to do to get people to like me, then you endanger yourself and your self esteem.
Please everyone be careful out there, keep your phones away sometimes and spend time with your family and friends “the ones you can physically see” and don’t let the internet enslave you.
#ChocoLovePs. This is to people who have people (who don’t care about them) to please.”
Yvonne Jegede is happily married to her longtime lover, Olakunle ‘Abounce’ Fawole’s (late veteran actress, Bukky Ajayi’s son). The two tied the knot on February 4, 2017.