Dear MIMsters: I Have a Strong Urge To Make Peace With Him But I Fear He Might Do This

I have a strong urge to make peace with my daughter’s father but I am afraid of what he might do.
I am 22 years old married with a son and it has been so far so good. My husband is Godsent but before I got married to him, I already had a baby girl who is 4 years old now. Her dad is an Air-force personnel. I lived with him for 2 years before we separated and he really treated me badly.
He was a womanizer whom I tolerated hoping for a change and begging him to go and do something on my head but he kept postponing. I got fed up and somewhere along the line, I cheated on him and told him what I had done.
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I begged him but he won’t forgive me. He raped me at gunpoint and took my baby from me to a girlfriend of his. I was practically a slave doing his bidding just to get my girl back. When the opportunity came, I took my daughter with me and I ran away to my sister’s place but it didn’t end there. He went to my family house to threaten my parents but left because I refused to show up. I cut off all ties with him.
This happened in 2016 and by 2017, I was preparing for my wedding when he called and pled with me not to go ahead but I refused to listen to him. He started raining curses on me. I have begged him to forgive me for cheating on him but I have no intentions of remaining in a relationship with him. Since I have moved on, he should let me be and let me get married to whomever I want.
My problem now is that I don’t like the fact that my daughter doesn’t get to see her dad but he leaves me with no choice. I am scared he might take her away from me again. I want to make peace with him but he is saying there won’t be peace without his daughter. He has not been financially responsible for her since. It’s been my aunt and my husband who have.
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Should I forget about making peace with him? I need advice as I don’t know what to do. I have a strong urge to make peace with him as I fear that he might be planning something bad against me. He is now married now but has no children yet.