Dencia Recounts Her Breast Cancer Experience At 12 To Inspire Young Girls And It Is Spot-On

Controversial Cameroonian singer and fashion icon, Reprudencia Sonkey ‘Dencia’, 30, has taken to Instagram to recount finding a lump in her right breast at the age of 12, after she heard an older girl of about 18-years old in her dormitory tell how she had breast lump removal surgery.
In her post, Dencia urged girls to be there for one another saying, “… a lot of young girls like me in boarding schools away from their parents need older girls like Belinda to tell their story so young girls like me can learn & action is taken fast. A lot of girls don’t get lucky,… let’s be our sister’s keeper, I was just a curious young girl, a lot of girls aren’t that curious.”
Dencia concluded her post stating that hopefully, one day, she would tour boarding schools to speak to young girls and teach them about self screening.
Read her post below:
When I was 12 going on 13, I was seating in my dorm room in Cpc Bali (Cameroon) when an older girl who was abt 18 “Belinda”was discussing her breast lump removal surgery,My skinny ass had big boobies & as I heard the story, I immediately touched my breasts & realized my right breast had something extra in it,i went to the nurse who sent me home immediately, I’m lucky to be raised by a grandma who was very hands on with my health, things went so fast & I was ready for surgery with Dr Ashu Balimba in Yaounde, Cameroon.When the surgery was done it was risky cuz two drs operated on me at the same time Nose,throat (I had other health issues) & boobies????????The next thing was testing the lump for cancerous cells, Yop my first time hearing abt cancer, I remember taking the big ass lump 2 the lab & it was tested, thank God it was just a big ass lump.I write this cuz a lot of young girls like me in boarding schools away from their parents need older girls like Belinda to tell their story so young girls like me can learn & action is taken fast.A lot of girls don’t get lucky, some end up with CANCEROUS lumps.U are never too young & never too old, let’s be our sister’s keeper, I was just a curious young girl, a lot of girls aren’t that curious.
P.S I ended up with a keloid scar for many years & I noticed last night it was completely gone, u can’t even tell I had this surgery which is super crazy, I was treating it will stretch mark cream from whitenicious & lightening it & it’s completely gone which is rare. Thank God
This was a random picture that inspired me to tell this story,wasn’t taken with the purpose for this.
Had my first mammogram & wasn’t even 30????
Hopefully one day I can tour boarding schools & speak to young girls and teach them about self screening and hopefully school nurses can do more for them too because honestly I doubt they ever did anything but give u meds for headache or Malaria or typhoid.
#Scar #Breastawareness #BreastCancerAwareness #Lumps #TouchYourBreast #Breastcancerawarenessmonth
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