How To Cope With A New Baby Without An Extra Help

Chioma Momah
Baby is finally here but after the initial euphoria dies down, every new mum is faced with the daunting task of looking after a newborn. Even more daunting is if you have to look after the baby on your own without an extra help! Relax! Motherhood In-style is here with a few tips that will help minimize the stress of looking after your bundle of joy and your home.
Sleep when your baby sleeps
When your newborn is finally asleep, don’t start cleaning the house or taking care if all sorts of chores. Instead, join your little one for a nap. You will be shocked how much better you will feel after a one or two hour nap. Don’t worry about the house not looking its best as anyone who visits at this time will understand if the house is not spic and span.
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Simplify your life
This is not the time to start making ‘banga’ from scratch. Instead make simple uncomplicated meals or order your favourite soups and dishes from a caterer. If you are married to a man who insists you do all the cooking, make him understand that for the first month at least, you will be exhausted and need time to get into a schedule. This doesn’t mean you should live on fast food as you need proper nutrition, especially, if you plan to breast feed.
Accept the help you can get
While you may not have help at home, accept the help you may get from trusted friends and neighbours. Even if it’s just carrying baby for 30 minutes while you have a bath. Also, allow people to help themselves, rather than making coffee for your friend who comes visiting, she will be happy to help herself. Also, you may also be lucky to get help from your local church, try speaking to of the older women in Church who has time on her hands and you would be surprised how happy she would be to lend a helping hand. If no one offers to help, then, don’t be afraid to ask.
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Let Daddy do his part
This is not the time to wait on your husband hand and foot. If you have no help, he has to help himself and help out with baby as well. Even if your breast feeding exclusively, you can express milk so your spouse can help with night time feedings. The truth is that many men will help if they know what to do to so don’t be afraid to show him how.
Stop and breathe
Try not to get overwhelmed! If you’re having a particularly difficult day with baby, then you may want to lay baby down and take a few minutes to just exhale. This is very important as you want to make sure that you don’t harm yourself or baby out of frustration.
Plan ahead
When you can, try and cook meals in large batches and buy food stuff in large quantities. Do as much stuff as possible that can be done ahead. This will give you more time for yourself and your baby.
Join support groups
Join or start an online support group with other mothers in the similar situation, here you can get and share advice on how to cope with a newborn without a house help or nanny.
Put baby down!
I know you’re in love with your precious angel and so excited to be a mum, but try not to carry baby all the time! Babies love the warmth of their mother’s arms and once they get used to always being carried, it may be difficult to put down your little one. Instead, even when baby is awake, try putting her in an appropriate baby bouncer. This way, even when she is awake, you can run errands around the house.
Sometimes, your newborn just needs to be carried. So, learn how to back your baby safely as this will keep your hands free allowing you to cook (unlike front baby carriers) and do other household chores you need to.
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Big brother / sister to the rescue
If you have older children, then, allow them help out. Even a toddler can help you get diapers from the room or do some other minor errands. If you have children over 7 years old, then, they can simplify your life by helping out with the dishes and other household chores while you concentrate on the new baby. However, just ensure you use good judgement when giving them errands; don’t over burden them or give them unsafe errands to run.
Bonding time
One of the greatest benefits of being alone with your baby is unlimited time to bond. Enjoy it for very soon your little one will be all grown up. The fun you’ll both have will make you smile and feel distressed and gratified.
Really, while it may seem impossible to cope with a newborn without a nanny or stay-in help of other sort, in the absence of such privilege, new mums can survive. Make sure you get baby on a routine as soon as possible, get significant other very involved and get help in areas, however little, you can by asking for it.
Good advice for new mums, i love the part that says, accept all the help you can get.
Good one. Am just gathering all this info for future use. you guys are doing a great job.
Nice tips. It will help a lot if new mums apply this in their life’s.
Nice tips… very helpful. tnx MISM
Great tips,Thanks MISM…Downloaded!
Great tips
Nice tips.
Nice one.
Wow! So gud to know that I’m on the right track #smiling
Wonderful tips for every pregnant lady out there. I remember when I was pregnant wt my first baby& everyone was telling me to born&rest& I never knew that was when the main work wl start. I nearly broke down but that God for I know for the preg ones out there I think u r highly favoured to have a page like this to prep u
Nice one always thinking of how I will cope wit my next baby Insha and mother inlaw are no more. Rip mama
Beautiful. The tin no easy
Nice tips …..learning everyday I love dis page
Nice one 4 new mums, we didn’t hv dis opportunity 15 yrs bck whn we started, tnk God we made it. God bls MISM.
Thanx MIM
OMG the sleep when ur baby is sleeping part use to b very difficult when I newly had my baby. Each time I lie down to sleep, the sleep just won’t come lol. My husband is just wonderful when it comes to helping out.
When my baby was still in her first month, as soon as my husband walks into the door, I would give her to him and run to sleep. But the older they get, the easier it becomes
Aahhh! Sleep when baby sleeps..that’s like the most important for me. After frequent waking up at night to breast feed I always feel like I was drugged when I wake up in the morning. So I take good advantage of the times baby sleeps during the day to rest.
Good one, so true on letting men know where to help from cos so many don’t really know
Very nice tips,am in desperate nid of them cos very soon I will be left. To manage d 2kids plus d additional nu baby dat is. Not up to2weeks.
Taking care of a newborn ehn **sigh**
Funny enough, I was advised to do almost all these tips when I gave birth to my first child.
Beautiful, would love to apply them when I become mum by God’s Grace
Nice tips, will keep it in mind.
I which I av one already, tankz anyways I’ll keep all dis in mind till God answers my prayer
Dat sleeping wen baby is sleeping did not work for me cos d sleep won’t come but I thank GOD my sweetest mom was around 4 three monthna enjoyment galour I dey oh
Nice tip
Wonderful tips, good to know you got my backs, I print these useful tips n keep for future use. I can’t wait to be a mom!!! This page rocks…
Nice tips but d 1st doesnt work for me as l would toss on d bed till baby wakes
Wonderful tips. Thanks MISM
Thanks MISM.That sleep when baby sleeps didn’t work for me.Sleep no dey gree come o.I always find myself looking @ my baby while he’s
I think I need this. Thank you to MISM.
Nice tips can’t wait to try it myself..thanks hun
Well appreciated tips tnx MIS
mmmmh i thought i know it all, this school; called MOTHERHOOD you get to learn everyday
thanks mism for this great one it came on time using it this weekend
Nice. Thanks Mim. Though I find it very difficult to sleep during the day even when my baby is sleeping, I try to rest tho
Amazing tip though but its always hard for me to sleep same time as the baby….. anyway Ild still keep trying
Nice one thanks
Yes oooo……on point
Every pregnant woman needs to read this. I thought being pregnant was work but not until I born. I don’t hesitate to get anyone to help but I find it hard to sleep when baby is sleeping
Very good advise. To all those pregnant women out there Pls hear this. I used all these tips n more
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing
Thanks MIM for sharing.
Awesome tips,thanks MISM