Nigerian Triplets Share Miraculous Birth Story Of How They Surprised Their Parents Who Were Expecting Twins

If you are conversant on Instagram you should know these popular set of triplets, Tomisin, Tomiwa and Toni who always Wow their followers with their pictures.
With many tapping into their blessings and others just belonging to the “my ovaries gang” the beautiful triplets shared their birth story to mark their birthday three days ago.
In their narration, they termed themselves as the miraculous Nigerian triplets because their parents were actually expecting twins, but the trio came unexpected.
Below is their story…
“A must read! Let me tell you a quick story about our birth. I’m sure you guys won’t expect this lmao. So according to my mum, when she was pregnant she was expecting just one child, just a child.
But later on, she started getting bigger than usual then she got worried and decided to go to the hospital for a scan but it kept on showing that she was pregnant with just a child.
She would go to the hospital twice almost every week because she was so concerned about the size of the pregnancy since she was having just a child.
So About five months later (Ikr, that’s a long time) she went back to the hospital and they finally told her she was pregnant with twins,she was so surprised and at the same time relieved that the babies were fine.
So, she started buying two pairs of everything,same shoes, same clothes and all.Then when she was due which was eight month three days(multiple births don’t actually stay till the usual nine months, most of them)she went to the hospital and then the doctor told her she was going to deliver her babies(twins)through CS.
After some hours they finally got the twins out (Tomisin and Tomiwa)but according to my mum when the doctor was about closing up they noticed a movement and they were concerned,thinking something went wrong they had to undo the stitches, and then it turned out that they found another baby (Toni).
What would you do if you found out you were originally meant to give birth to twins but then it turned out you gave birth to triplets?lmao
When my mum regained consciousness, the doctor told the nurses to bring in the triplets, my mum thought she heard wrong so she asked “what triplets ?”then they explained the whole thing to her and she was filled with joy and was having mixed emotions.Who wouldn’t?
So there wasn’t any clothe for Toni(the last child)they quickly had to get a substitute till they went to buy her stuff,ours actually because we had to wear the same thing.
So why Toni and I look more alike is because we shared the same placenta and Tomisin had hers.” Happy birthday @.tomiwa. @toni.xox_ @thomisin_
#triplets #beauty #birthdaygirls.”
Here are some cute photos of the birthday girls and yes you are allowed to droll over them…