Interracial Marriage: How We Went From Being Just Office Colleagues To Become Something More

An unnamed white man has shared how he and his true love went from being just office colleagues who were flirting with each other to become something more. This was done via an Instagram page named, The ‘Humans of New York‘ . It is somewhat captivating and honest.
Read below…
”Both of us are really shy. We were working at the same office when we met. I’d do anything to walk by her desk. And she’d do the same. I’d ask her for advice on certain projects. We were flirting the entire time but neither of us wanted to admit it. Then one night we decided to take a walk together after work.
We ended up sitting on a bench just like this, and we had a very intimate conversation about our lives. We were so honest with each other. I talked about my weaknesses. And mistakes that I’d made. And plans for the future.
We were sitting in front of town hall, and both of us agreed that it would be a great place to get married one day—whenever we met someone.
The whole time I had my arm along the back of the bench, not quite touching her. It was so cold outside, but neither of us mentioned it, because we didn’t want the night to end. When the conversation finally finished, I walked her to her car. It was a ten minute walk. I tried to act relaxed but inside I was really nervous.
The whole time I was thinking about kissing her. Should I do it? Should I not? Then finally I decided on a hug. But it was a deep hug. Extra deep hug. That night I went back home, and said to my roommate: ‘That’s her.’”
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Photo credit: Humansofny