British High Commissioner, Catriona Laing Raises Concerns Over Rate of Gender Based & Sexual Violence In Nigeria

The British High Commission in Nigeria has expressed worries over the rate of sexual and gender violence in the country, saying it is disturbing.
The High Commissioner, Catriona Laing, said the mission would be partnering the government and various groups to address the situation to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, as well as the annual 16 days of activism against gender violence which started on Wednesday.
The High Commission said in a statement that it was supporting the United Nations theme for this year,
‘Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!’
Laing said the mission would be working closely with various partners in government, the Ministry of Women Affairs, UN Women, and other groups.
Laing in a video message said,
Violence including sexual violence against women, girls, and boys is the most widespread form of human rights abuse worldwide.
And with COVID, we have seen alarming increases in sexual and gender-based violence, including sadly here in Nigeria where the numbers are really very disturbing.
It affects women, girls and boys across the whole country, all ethnicities, all social classes, so nobody can feel completely protected. Women and girls from all corners of the world continue to experience violence and abuse.”