Family Life Coach, Elizabeth Badejo Shares 4 Ways Gifting Your Partner or Cherishing Their Gift Can Help Fix Your Marriage This Christmas

Christmas is a season filled with many surprises and renewed expectations and exchanging gift is one of the best aspects of the Christmas tradition which can come with a lot of anxiety, confusion, and sometimes total meltdown too.
Unfortunately, this Christmas is going to go down in history as the harshest ever for many couples planning their Christmas on a shoestring budget. However, when you look on the brighter side, it can also be remembered as the Christmas you changed your perspectives on Christmas traditions, family/life coach, Elizabeth Badejo explains.
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Badejo in her article for Punch noted 4 ways that exchanging gifts with your partner this Christmas can positively impact ypour marriage. See below
1.Appreciate the present
Approaching this period as a couple with the willingness to adapt to the changes is a wonderful way to prepare for a memorable Christmas despite the uncertainties around. Money is going to be a major setback for many couples this Christmas especially if one or both of you are out of work, it can bring a feeling of anxiety and despair especially at this time.
The best gift you can give each other this Christmas is yourselves because you are still here and enjoying the present moment. Appreciate this period and do not attempt to resist what you cannot control, since you have today, use it well and do not be anxious about other things.
2. Give the gift of expression
Perhaps you are worried that your spouse will be feeling disappointed this year because you cannot get the gift you promised for Christmas. Everybody knows that it has been an unusual year and many couples like yours have had to learn the hard lessons of perseverance during this sudden life-changing experiences.
Christmas is about gratitude. Do not dwell on what you cannot give rather plan to do something you have never done before. You can give a gift of expression in form of a gratitude journal inscribed with lovely and inspiring messages to your spouse in your best handwriting. Sometimes it is the little things that count and if you are not the type who usually express feelings in the past, this may be a great way to start and a memorable one too.
3. Give the gift of reasoning
Christmas can bring conflicts into your marriage if you and your spouse are not on the same page to reason together. It is a period some family members will be expecting you to give if that has been your tradition in the past. You may want to do things differently this year and it is important that you plan together and come up with a reasonable decision.
You may have different views on giving but it is important to consider the effect your benevolence will have on your finances in the new year. Whatever the decision, if you cannot give this year, you do not have to bear the guilt as this is the reality facing many others and you are not alone. It is better not to give at all than to give grudgingly.
4. Gift of love is priceless
If there is one thing that you consider changing about Christmas this year, think about your own individual feelings about giving Christmas presents and how the decision to give or not to give this year can affect your values going forward. Whatever you do, cherish the gift of love and togetherness. It is the greatest gift of all this Christmas.