Dear MIMsters: I Am Already Fed Up With My Marriage, So, This Is What I Plan To Do

I got married in 2017 and I’m already fed up with the marriage because my husband is a serial cheat.
While dating, I didn’t notice any of these because we were in a long distance relationship. He keeps several girlfriends at a time and he lies to most of them that he isn’t married. He has this particular girl who is aware that he is married, he rented an apartment for her and whenever he is going on a business trip, he always takes her with him.
At a point, this girl used to send me messages on WhatsApp. She would even send me pictures of them together on WhatsApp. So I called her and insulted her and asked what her aim is by sending me pictures of herself and my husband.
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My husband called me on the phone and told me that if I don’t apologize to her, he won’t come back home. I couldn’t bear the pains, I had to report him to his parents who scolded him. He promised them that he has ended everything with this girl but that’s a big lie because after that, she sent me a text message saying that I’m only wasting my time because my husband can never leave her.
Asides from this girl, he has several other girls he is dating.
Before we got married, we had an agreement that I won’t get a job or rent a store till I am done with child bearing. I have online businesses I run and he also pays me monthly. Asides from the cheating aspect, he is a good husband and father but his cheating is really driving me crazy.
I’ve prayed, fasted, and I’ve even tried to ignore him but most times, even while ignoring him, I still get to catch him in the act.
Recently, I walked into the kitchen and over heard him tell someone on phone that he misses her and he can’t wait to hold her in his arms. The love and respect I have for him is gradually turning into hatred. Each time I confront him, he tells me I’m free to get a divorce but he won’t allow me take his son with me.
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My family thinks I’m crazy for wanting to leave.
I need advice on what to do. I have enough money saved up and I plan on relocating to another state with my son when next my husband goes on his trip with his girlfriend. I’m currently pregnant but I haven’t told him yet). I need advice on the implication of what I’m about to do. I’m only 26 years old. I can’t keep living like this.
You’re out to put yourself together and be prayerful , because prayer is they key that all open doors . that’s my advice my dear.
he will come for beg trust me.