Divorced Woman In Her 30s Airs Her Opinion In Reaction To Tweet Advising Women Planning To Travel Abroad To Get Married Before Leaving…

A woman who married early but is now divorced has advised fellow women to not be swayed by a tweet advising them to get married to avoid becoming old and single.
A US-based Nigerian media personality, @AfamDeluxo, had taken to twitter to advise women about the dangers of moving abroad without being married or having a committed partner.
In a series of Twitter threads, Afam, who remarked that it is difficult for single Nigerian ladies to find a husband abroad, recommended individuals seeking to relocate to at least have a serious boyfriend in Nigeria before departing.
He added that while a man can find himself a partner even in his 70s, it is not the same for a woman. He warned that women who are more focused on careers and migration may end up single and lonely despite having so much money.
Responding, the woman in her 30’s said one can’t evade loneliness by deciding to marry. She then noted that being in the wrong marriage is worst than being single.
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Her tweet reads:
“As somebody who has been married to the absolute wrong one and is now 30+ and single, I can tell you for FREE that those threads don’t touch me at all because I KNOW that the wrong marriage is absolutely WORST than being single.
“I hope that women don’t get genuinely pressed by these threads… I’m a love and marriage babe but the real deal CHOOSES you. You cannot evade loneliness by “deciding” to marry. Only marriage to the RIGHT one will deter loneliness and the universe grants you that right fit.”