Chinese Mum gives birth to world’s biggest baby weighing 6.3kg

A mother in mainland China gave birth last weekend to a baby boy weighing a massive 14lbs.
The woman, known only as Mrs Tian gave birth at the Chongji Maternity Hospital in Yecheng city, Shanxi province according to local news reports.
The child, was born on August 23 at 7.25pm local time.
According to clinicians at the hospital, the newly-born baby weighs approximately the same as a three-month-old.
It is understood that the size of the baby was a complete shock to medical staff at the hospital.
The South China Daily Post reports one staff member claiming: ‘It’s the first time I’ve delivered such a huge baby in my 30-year career,” Chongji Maternity’s director was quoted by Tencent as saying.
According to the World Health Organisation, the baby is around double the size of an average newborn.
Staff at the hospital have taken numerous photographs of the massive baby.
According to the Guinness World Records website, the world’s largest baby was born in January 1879 in Ohio weighing almost 24lbs – however the infant died 11 hours later.
An Italian baby born in September 1955 also weighed in around 24lbs but managed to survive.
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