107-Year-Old Man Takes 95-Year-Old Boo To The Altar In Plateau

Elder Dikam Garba Dabo’ok and MrsKa’a Nafung have lived together as husband and wife for 70 years but the couple, now 107 and 95 years respectively, had their Church wedding only recently.
The church ceremony in Plateau State, has remained the talk of the town in the social diary of the state and may remain so for a long time. This is particularly so because the celebrants are the first couple in the history of the state to be administered marital vow at such unusual ages.
The ceremony, which played out in the manner that young grooms and brides would walk down the aisle had the groom dressed in black suite and a red neck tie to match, while the bride stepped out dressed in a pure white wedding gown with a neatly made hair to match. They drove to the church in separate vehicles, as if they had never met before. The groom was accompanied by cutely dressed men and the bride by a long bridal train.
Read full story here
Source: The Nation
Wao this is record breaking indeed
Awwwwew! Lovely
Guinness book of records should have this, it’s one of a kind type of event.
awwwwww so lovely. congrats to them. wish to live this old with my eternal companion.
Love this
Happy celebration of life
Wow 70 yrs together n still counting.Happy married life 2 them
Awwwww this is my wish for all married couples long happy lives
Wow, really record breaking
This is serious. wishes of more love to them.
Dis is d kind of marriage I wish for
Congrats grandma and grandpa
Wow. Dis re d real boo of life. Lol
What were they waiting for?So they could have dead without getting married
Wow…congrats to them
Wow…Guiness book of record must have this.hehehehhehe
Sweet. So cute
Interesting! Happy married life to them
Waoooow, dis is lovely
I think they made it official cuz of their faith.
Awww! So nice
They’ve seen it all, buh this is the one sure thing that wud qualify them to make heaven assuming other areas of their lives are straight before God. Congrats u two!!
Oh boy! This is something. Lolll. I’m happy for them.
Waoh! Happy married life
Spice of Life.
Happy Married Life!
Wow! Nice. He has 7 wives! I feel for the other 6 wives. Congrats!
Lol..happy married life to them
Wowowo,hapi married life