Sex Education: 4 Common Mistakes Parents Make

By Pam Myers
There are few things a parent dreads more than “the talk.” Talking about sex can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. And let’s face it, many parents simply don’t know how to go about it. Their parents never talked to them, so they’re unprepared for such a pivotal conversation. Mistakes are made and children may get the wrong impression from their parents. Exploring those mistakes can help you avoid them and have the kind of discussion you want.
1. Starting too late.Many parents wait until they feel like there’s a reason to be worried. For example, their teenage daughter starts dating an older boy and suddenly it feels like it’s time for the sex talk. Or they find a condom under their son’s bed – again, it’s time for the talk. The truth is that the best time to begin talking to your child about sex is way before they’re thinking about it. Many experts recommend going over the basics when a child is around eight or nine. Children know a lot more than we think they know and if they’re able to get the facts from their parents, then they’re less likely to believe rumors and information from their friends and the Internet.
2. Passing harsh judgments.Children hear what you say when you talk about sex and sexual situations. If you’re harsh or judgmental, they may take that information in and feel badly about themselves. For example, you may express something negative about masturbation. Should your child have tried it, they may feel dirty or judged. They won’t be as likely to be honest with you about sex or to come to you with questions.
3. Not answering questions when they’re asked.According to Dr. Laura Berman, children ask questions when they’re ready to know the answers. If you’re uncomfortable answering the question or you try to put them off until you think they’re ready, they may not only go elsewhere for the information, they may not come to you for information next time.
4. Not being honest.It’s important to be honest with yourself about your feelings related to your child’s sexuality. It’s also important to be honest with your child. If you’re uncomfortable talking with your child about something, tell them that. Children don’t expect you to be perfect or to have all the answers. However, when you answer their questions honestly and respectfully, you’re better able to have an open conversation.
Talking about sex is difficult. Your children are precious and you don’t want them rushing things, making mistakes, or having regrets. It’s important to be prepared for questions as soon as they’re able to begin talking. It may begin with simple identification of parts. The more you’re able to answer their questions early on, the easier it will be for them to come to you when they have more difficult or intimate questions.
When I become a parent, I will most definitely remember this. Thanks MISM
Awwwww that’s lovely
it’s so uncomfortable discussing this issue with your kids, especially these days that they grow up so fast, they come up with questions so early that you don’t know how to twist it to make the answer rhyme with their own level.
8 or 9 yrs noted.Thanx
Tnx for this info i will try to implement it
Ok, i wil remember
Tanks MISM for dis info..!
Thanks MISM..the earlier the better
I’ll remember when is time
MISM God bless u 4 dis
Hv taken note.
Thank you so much.
noted. thanks. but children of this days are something else. one just need to be careful.
Never had the talk with my mum
Important tips
tnks,wil kip it to my daughter grows up,
I will surely remember this wen they get to 8. Thanks for the tips
Noted…thanks MISM
Thank God I still have some years to go before having this talk
When d time comes it shall be done oo
God pls give me the grace to remember when my children gets to that stage