Man Who Didn’t Bother To Stop And Help Injured Woman Is Shattered To Learn She Was His Mum

A motorist who allegedly could not be bothered to stop and help an injured woman lying in the street was shocked to find out later it was his own mother, the Mirror, UK reports.
According to the media, the man was shocked to discover the woman covered in blood was his own mother after arriving at her home to find she wasn’t there.
The driver, named by the Chinese media as Mr Zhang, reportedly told him that his mum had left early that morning in order to meet him. Remembering the woman he saw in the road, he returned to the scene to find it was her. She died on the way to hospital in, Wuhu, Anhui Province, China, People’s Daily Online reports.
Mr Zhang reportedly told the media that he had not stopped for the injured woman because of the trouble it might cause him.
Mr Zhang said: “I saw a woman lying in the road. When I got to my mother’s home and found that she wasn’t there I headed straight back to the traffic accident as I had a feeling it might be her.
“As soon as I got there I could see it was Mum.”
Many Chinese motorists have become cautious about stopping to help road accident victims following legal cases where victims have attempted to sue their rescuers for causing them injury.
Cops reportedly tracked down the hit-and-run driver who confessed to what had happened.
very important lesson. as I have loved you. love one another.
Can you imagine. If he had stopped to help, he might have saved her life. Let’s learn to love one another and be our brothers keeper. I hope he has learnt his lesson. sad.
Nawao sure he won’t forgive himself so soon
Life! RIP Ma.
Hmmmm life
Dis a Moral lesson always be Good At people
A very good lesson 2 us all, let us render a helping hand @ all time .
What a lesson a very harsh one
Wat a hard lesson
So sad.
Very touching. If he had only knew, but its too late now.
Eyaaaaaa that is why certain law is bad. Look at what happen if not for the fear of possible sue the mother would still be alive today. Its well!
Its d ingratitude of people that made him do that.Poor woman.May her soul RIP
Its a pity..people are always scared to help accident victims cos of the troubles that comes with it..RIP MA
Eyah, is d socity dat made d man behave dat way, RIP
It’s a pity
That is a very good lesson. Its always beneficial to help.
It’s a lesson for everyone
Chai!He will never forgive himself for that.So sad
Everyone is blaming the man, talking about loving one another. Blame the law, if people haven’t landed in police nets in the past foe helping people, maybe it would have been better. Imagine helping an accident victim in Nigeria, police will turn the matter around and punish you for just trying to help.
So sad.
So sad….. I love the lesson behind the story