7 Things Wives Would Like To Say To Their Husbands

Any wife would love to pay her husbands lovely compliments and much more but they want to mean them. So, the onus rests on the man to do those nice things that will make his wife gush out these loving compliments;
- I’m so glad I married you
Men need to feel secure in marriage, and the fastest way to let your man know he’s still the one is to tell him outright. This is a great compliment because it can come completely out of the blue, without him having to do anything to earn it. Spontaneous compliments feel genuine and sincere.
- I love how you provide for our family
Men hold themselves to a high standard when it comes to providing, and they need you to acknowledge their efforts. Let your husband know that he doesn’t have to make millions to still make you happy.
- I’m so proud of you
You’ll get far in marriage being your husband’s greatest cheerleader. In a world that continuously knocks him down, be the one to always lift him up.
- You’re such a great daddy
If you have kids, praise your husband for his involvement with the family. Modern society often tells dads that they come second to mom, so let him know he’s a valuable asset to your family.
- You’re so hot
Your husband needs to know you love the way he looks, even after a few years and a few extra pounds. Many men send and receive love through touch and physical intimacy, so complimenting his body is one of the fastest ways to show him love in a way he understands.
- Thanks for fixing it
Whenever your husband plays Mr. Fix-It around the house, compliment his efforts. He needs to feel capable, especially when he’s taking care of you.
Thank him for helping around the house too. Helping out can be a little scary for the man of the house. Chances are that you have your own way of doing things and he may be afraid of messing up your system. Thank him sincerely when he helps out, regardless of whether he folds the sheets the “right” way.
- I love spending time with you
We all get caught up in the business of everyday life, so let your spouse know that you still love to simply hangout with him. After all, you’ll be his best friend and constant companion forever.
Take a little time today to thank the man in your life for all he does. It doesn’t take much to make your husband’s day, boost his confidence and make him want to lift you up in return.
Share this with every man you know.
Source: familyshare
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Ok MIM am sending to hubby now!
ok oooh… But this can be said to good MEN only
Awwww he will so feel on top of d world.Thanks
Lolzz OK noted
Message.. I do tell my hubby dese esp number 4
My hubby head go swell o
Ok o noted
Hubbys should try and step up to the plate.
Nice one.Will share
Nice one
Nice one
ok would do so wen d time comes