Dear MIM Readers: Does My Mother Think I Am A Bad Mom?

I am a single mum with a daughter in Primary one.
I pay her school fees, cater for her needs, even employed a nanny to look after her.
Now the situation is this: I live with my mother. When we woke up this morning, we greeted each other, still met at the shop, as our shops are next to each other.
She didn’t utter a word to me about what she was going to do. Only for me to go to my daughter’s school to pick her up when I saw my mother’s car there. I thought maybe something had happened to my daughter. I rushed to meet her to ask her what had happened?She said: “I will tell you at home.”
I went to my daughter’s teacher to ask her what happened. “Why was my mother here?”
And she replied, “your daughter is not doing well in school because she cannot read.” This matter had been taken to the head mistress too. She also said that my daughter has bad behaviour. Mind you mothers, my daughter at age 7 can read but cannot pronounce difficult words. And she already has a teacher at home that teaches her. So I am wondering why my mother chose to come here without informing me. I felt embrassed and belittled by what she did. She made it seem like I am not paying attention to my child and a bad mother. I am still waiting for her to come home so she can explain to me why at age 34, I am still being treated like a child.
Does my mum think I am a bad mother?
Your mom doesn’t think you are a bad mother. She’s got your interest and that of your daughter at heart. U should be happy and grateful to God for a mother like her. What happened is no big deal so chill please.
If ur mum sometimes picks her from school then l understand why they called her.I don’t see anything wrong with her being concerned about her grandchild.Just listen to what she has to say with an open heart,thank her for being concerned n find a solution together
She’s doesn’t think you are a bad Mother bit it round have been better if she communicated with you than what played out in school
The school is at fault they should have contacted you not your mum! And some kids in fact a lot don’t read until after 7
Pls put away the anger at which you are viewing your mum’s action and see the good in her action of looking out for her grandchild. And pls you should pay more attention to your child and don’t make her a spoilt brat simply because she is an only child for now. Talk to your mum and make her understand how you feel if need be but your child come 1st.
Yes why should the school contact your mom instead of you. Hear your mum out first
Message.. Hnmmm de skul shuld hv consulted u been de mother to de child n ur mother shuld hv notify u b4 doin anytin. My dear dnt worry she still hv ur interest n dat of ur daughta at mind
Let nt conclude yet,pls ask ur mother her reasons
Whatever her observations are, she would have had a nice discussion with you as per how to make things better, instead of taking matters into her hands.
Hear her out first i believe she had a good reason
who registered d child in school.dont dey gav ur number y ur mom instead of u.
Message.. your shop is close to ur mothers shop yet she couldn’t inform you about where she was going to?the school is @ fault how come they didn’t call you first?sit ur mother down and ask her what’s up